*S, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
nte, Brazil
ure of these environments,
•esolution images, such as
ethodology for delineating
ed into two stages. Firstly,
n and a river-based buffer,
rest zones from the rest. In
parameters of the riparian
River, located in Northern
leters. The forest structure
and leaf area index which
irian environment with an
: best results for modeling
Angular Second Moment,
npte tenu de l'étroitesse de
s produits obtenus à partir
es. L'objectif de cet article
aètres biophysiques à partir
lasse de forêt riveraine et le
îr la rivière. Le programme
riveraines du reste. Dans la
iur estimer les paramètres
zone riveraine sur les deux
:es pour créer et valider les
r, le diamètre à hauteur de
canopée, qui ont été acquis
avec une précision de plus
isation de la structure de la
1,61) en utilisant le Second
<11 pixels.
•idors allowing the flow of
in fragmented landscapes
are impacted by logging to
margins, livestock and others
effective inventory of these
mt tool for making public
nsing and image processing
yw-cost production of maps
s inventories using remote
i its narrow extends (Muller,
1997). Mapping these areas and their biophysical parameters is a
challenge that has motivated many authors in remote sensing
(Nagler et al., 2001; CSIRO, 2003; Johansen and Phinn, 2006b).
Previous studies have showed that images with medium spatial
resolution (Landsat-TM and ETM) suffer shortcomings for
mapping narrow environments (< 30m), such as riparian zones
(Congalton et al., 2002; Johansen and Phinn, 2006a). Moreover,
the alternative to use high-resolution image (Ikonos, Quickbird),
has become affordable in recent years. The most commonly
applied approach to map riparian areas using high spatial
resolution is image classification. Studies by Davis et al. (2002)
and Johansen and Phinn (2006a) showed a significant gain of
accuracy in classification of riparian zones when using texture
parameters in the process.
Taking advantage of the spatial knowledge that the riparian
vegetation accompanies the river, buffer zones can be used as a
way of optimizing the image processing. This procedure was
carried out successfully to map palm swamps (Maillard et. al.,
2008). Even though high resolution image data proved valuable
for delineating riparian zones, traditional information extraction
methods like threshold and classification (e.g. maximum
likelihood, minimum distance) offer low accuracy. Conversely,
image segmentation using Markov random fields (MRF) has
produced promising results in a variety of applications, such as
image segmentation and restoration (Tso and Mather, 2001). But
to assess the ecological values of riparian forests, the mere
classification is insufficient and biophysical parameters are often
The objective of this article is to describe a methodology for
delineating riparian areas and extract their biophysical parameters
from an Ikonos scene. The proposed methodology includes the
following stages: (i) classification of the image in two classes:
riparian zone and non-riparian zone using 50 meters buffer, (ii)
acquisition of texture features from riparian zones segments, and
(iii) auto-correlation of visible, near-infrared and texture bands
with allometric measurements data from 70 field plots. The
correlation aims at elaborating explanatory models of vegetation
1.1 Mapping Riparian Forest from Remote Sensing Data
A study using Landsat-5 and photo interpretation, for mapping
riparian forest in the Yaquina River - Oregon/USA, showed a
success ratio of only 30% between satellite images and photo
interpretations (Congalton et al., 2002). In another study,
Johansen and Phinn (2006a) showed that the width of riparian
zones is a limiting factor for their identification through products
of medium spatial resolution, such as Landsat series. They
pointed out that only riparian area upper than 50m could be
accurately identified by Landsat-7 ETM+. Muller (1997)
emphasizes the importance to develop new remote sensing
methods for mapping riparian vegetation along rivers.
In a study by Davis et al. (2002), the analysis of high-resolution
aerial photographs (resolution between 11 and 100 cm) obtained
overall accuracy of 75% to classify riparian areas using maximum
likelihood classification and image texture. Texture features
increased the accuracy by 20-30% in almost every case. Johansen
and Phinn (2006b) used an Ikonos image to classify not only the
riparian zone, but also the biophysical parameters and species of a
riparian savannah forest in Australia. The authors highlighted the
need to use high-resolution imagery and texture parameters for
mapping riparian vegetation structures. They used the following
forest parameters: canopy percentage foliage cover, leaf area
index, tree crown size, tree height, stem diameter at breast
height, tree species, and riparian zone width. In addition to
the four bands of the Ikonos image (blue, green, red and near-
infrared), eight vegetation index and measurements of texture
(contrast, dissimilarity, entropy, homogeneity and variance)
were used. Results showed an overall accuracy of 55% for
species classification and a determination of 86% for the
canopy percentage foliage using 19x19 pixels texture analysis
window in the NDVI band.
Alencar-Silva and Maillard (2009) compared two different
methods of classification for palm swamps in an Ikonos
image: traditional per-pixel classification and region-based
segmentation and classification using MAGIC (a program
based on Markov Random Fields). Results have shown that
MAGIC obtained better results when compared with tradition
classification. MAGIC was especially good in removing the
salt and pepper effect on the classified image.
1.2 Study Area
The study area is situated in the margins of the Pandeiros
River in Northern Minas Gerais, Brazil, an environmental
protection area (Figure 2).
The Pandeiros River is an affluent of Sao Francisco River, the
third largest watershed of Brazil. The total area of the
Pandeiros’ watershed is 3921.00 km 2 and its elevation varies
from 450 m to 850 m. The study site is 1.2 km 2 along a
slightly meandering stretch of river (Figure 3). The marginally
climate is semiarid with about 900 mm of precipitation and an
average temperature of over 25°C. Precipitation varies from
124 mm per month between October and April to less than 2
mm between May and September. A land use map of the
region was produce from a single Landsat-7 scene acquired in
August 2009. The classes and their respective area are
presented in Table 1.
% of catchment
Open Water
Dry Forest
Plantation / Savannah Regeneration
Bare Soil
Table 1: Land-use table area of Pandeiros River
With about 44% of plantation or degraded areas, the
Pandeiros watershed has been strongly impacted by human
activities. The Pandeiros also hosts the largest wetland
complex of the State of Minas Gerais where several species of
fish bird species reproduce, some of which are rare, endemic
and threatened (Biodiversitas, 2005).
Figure 3 shows the Ikonos scene of the entire study site in
true-colour composition. The green areas located along the
river and on the bottom right of the figure correspond to
riparian forest and savannah formations, respectively. The
zones in brown represent herbaceous areas. Palm swamps,
characterised by a specific texture, can be seen on the left
hand side of the image. The others light tone areas are bare
soil. On the Ikonos scene riparian forest often appears similar
to wooded savannah formation. To avoid confusion, a river
buffer of 50 m was applied to the image to eliminate savannah