In: Wagner W., Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
Z. Obradovic 3 ’ *, D. Das 3 , V.Radosavljevic 3 , K.Ristovski 3 , S.Vucetic 3
a Center for Information Science and Technology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Technical Commission VII Symposium 2010
KEY WORDS: Atmosphere, Environment, Analysis, Data Mining, Retrieval, Algorithms, Spatial, Temporal
One of the main challenges of current climate research is providing Earth-wide characterization of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD),
which indicates the amount of depletion that a beam of radiation undergoes as it passes through the atmosphere. Here, a
comprehensive overview will be presented of our ongoing data mining based study aimed at better understanding of spatio-temporal
distribution of AOD by taking advantage of measurements collected from multiple ground and satellite-based sensors. In contrast to
domain-driven methods for AOD retrieval (prediction from satellite observations), our approach is completely data-driven. This
statistical method consists of training a nonlinear regression model to predict AOD using the satellite observations as inputs where
the targets are obtained from a network of unevenly distributed ground-based sites over the world. Challenges and our proposed
solutions discussed here in context of global scale AOD estimation include (i) AOD regression from mixed-distribution spatio-
temporal data; (ii) training such a statistical predictor for robust performance across multiple accuracy measures; (iii) uncertainty
analysis of AOD estimation, (iv) active selection of sites for ground based observations, (v) discovery of major sources of correctable
errors in deterministic models, and (vi) using conditional random fields to combine nonlinear regression models and a variety of
correlated knowledge sources in a unified and more accurate AOD prediction model. The proposed methods is illustrated on
experiments conducted using three years of global observations obtained by merging satellite data of high spatial resolution (MODIS
Level 2 data from NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites) with ground-based observations of high temporal resolution (a remote-sensing
network of radiometers called AERONET network). The experiments revealed that the proposed methods result in more accurate
AOD retrieval than the baseline statistical and domain-based predictors'.
The global impact of environment change to climate is
monitored largely by use of remote sensing instruments that
measure radiances emitted or reflected from Earth. The
observed radiances are used to estimate underlying geophysical
characteristics through the predictive process called retrieval.
The retrieved parameters are then used in various applications
ranging from monitoring change of atmospheric temperature,
the extent of snow, ice or vegetation cover, cloud and aerosol
properties to the development of general circulation models for
climate studies. Accurate and timely retrievals of geophysical
parameters are therefore critical for the success of many climate
change related studies.
In recent years remote sensing instruments of various properties
have been employed in an attempt to better characterize
important geophysical phenomena. The technology of new
generation sensors has improved dramatically, but the collected
data still contain large uncertainties due to high noise and a
large fraction of missing values. As a consequence, retrieval
from such high dimensional spatio-temporal observations is a
very challenging problem (Jeong et al, 2005).
Aerosols are small particles produced by natural and man-made
sources that both reflect and absorb incoming solar radiation.
Aerosol concentration and chemical properties are important
parameters in climate change models, in studies of regional
radiation balances, and studies of the hydrological cycle
(Ramanathan et al, 2002). Using radiance observations, it is
possible to estimate the attenuation of solar energy as it passes
through a column of atmosphere, a quantity commonly known
as aerosol optical depth (AOD).
The AOD can be retrieved using ground (Levy et al, 2005) or
satellite (Remer et al, 2006) based observations. Ground-based
observations are mostly obtained by the AEROsol robotic
NETwork (AERONET) which is the global remote sensing
network of about 250 radiometers (spatial distribution shown at
Fig. 1) that measure AOD several times an hour at specific
locations. AERONET AOD prediction is considered very
accurate and is often taken as the ground truth for validation of
various satellite-based AOD prediction algorithms aimed at
providing global coverage .
Figure 1: Spatial distribution of AERONET sites.
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