Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

RS, Yol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
In: Wagner W., Székely, В. (eds.): ISPRS ТС VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Yol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
.09 0.05 0.41 
r band 3 and 4 (adjusted R 2 
column shows the window 
;en pixels (d). Boxed values 
574 enti 35 -0.0055 asmo 
0.00064 con 135 (2) 
]4 В - 0.0662 R 
103 asm 90 
00246 con 45 (3) 
In this article two methodological approaches were used to map 
and model the structure of riparian vegetation in a Brazilian 
savanna region. For this, combining a high resolution image, the 
MAGIC segmentation/classification software and the use of 
texture measurements was evaluated. The results demonstrate a 
great capacity of the MAGIC program to identify regions of 
riparian forest without the need of field data. For this step, the 
best results were obtained by using all four spectral bands of the 
Ikonos image and a sufficient number of classes to account for the 
wide variety of land cover within the non-riparian class. 
Statistical analysis between the parameters obtained in the field 
and image processing results permitted the creation of explanatory 
vegetation structure models applicable regionally. The best 
models were obtained for the allometric variables basal area and 
volume (0.61 and 0.66), using window size of 11x11 pixels and 
distance analysis of four pixels. The direction did not appear to be 
critical but some texture parameters (ASM and Entropy) are more 
frequently chosen by the stepwise feature selection. Moreover, it 
is the diversity of measurements that appear to be most effective. 
Future work will include a much broader range of plots in 
different segments of the river in the hope of creating a more 
robust set of models. Texture feature will also be made direction- 
invariant. The approach taken here is comparable to an object- 
oriented approach that is much more appropriate for high 
resolution images. It will eventually be integrated into a single 
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ismi35 + 0.000001 IR 
- 0.00555 asíais 
+ 0.000137 C01145 
lo- 0.000531 ent 135 
14 ent 90 + 0.136 R 
0.143 asm 90 -0.101 G (7) 
573 con 0 - 0.00337 cor 0 
90 + 0.00354 cor 45 (8) 
ng factor in the models and 
antly. It is also difficult to 
neasurement that stands out. 
rs, the ASM seem to be 
py seems to come in second 
/ of measurements is the best 
nts for their strength. When 
together, it can be verified 
nd Entropy are predominant 
d volume). These models are 
>f the riparian forest and are 
in another region. However, 
ly to orientate the riparian 
rently being undertaken in 
Minas Gerais by the Forest 
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The authors are thankful to the Forestry Institute of Minas 
Gerais for providing the Ikonos data and field support. For the 
MAGIC package we thank Dr. David Clausi. The authors are 
most grateful to the Laboratory of Ecology and Plant 
Propagation / UNIMONTES University for providing the 
field data.

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