In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
I. Sandric a,b ’ *, B. Mihai 3 , Z. Chitu 3 , A. Gutu b , I. Savulescu 3
a University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bdul. Nicolae Balcescu, No.l, Sect. 1., 010041, Bucharest, Romania -
b ESRI Romania SRL, Roma Street, No 8, Sect. 1, 011774, Bucharest, Romania
Commission VI, WG VI/4
KEY WORDS: Landslides, Identification, Modelling, Recognition, Object, Pattem, Segmentation
Mapping landslides and building landslides inventory have received a special attention from a wide range of specialist. In building a
landslide inventory an important step is the spatial delineation of the landslides body, followed by the landslides classification
according with an international used classification system and the identification of other landslides characteristics. The main methods
for landslides mapping are based on field observation, image interpretation and stereo-restitution. Our paper discusses a semi-
automated process based on objected-oriented analysis for landslides bodies’ delineation. Several recent papers Moine et al. 2009,
Tapas et al. 2010 had similar approaches for landslides bodies’ delineation and classification using objected-oriented analysis
combined with spectral and morphometric properties of the landslides. Our approach is similar with Tapas et al. 2010, but we take
into account, besides the morphometric properties, the meteorological data for the periods when the landslides have occurred. The
algorithm is using high resolution aerial images with a spatial resolution 0.5 meters, a DEM with a spatial resolution of 2.5 meters
and daily meteorological data for the year 2005. The meteorological data was spatial interpolated and the images were used in the
objected oriented analysis and this has led to a significant increase in the number of corrected indentified landslides. The algorithm
was tested in the administrative area of Breaza Town from Romanian Curvature Sub- Carpathians, for which a detailed landslides
inventory was available
1.1 Aim of the paper
Landslides are frequent phenomenon for the Subcarpathians
regions of Romania. Lithological features based mainly on clay
and marl combined with permeable rocks, the torrential rainfall
regime as well as a strong human impact has a key role for the
landslide related hazards (Balteanu, 1986, 1997; Ielenicz et al.,
The landslide-related hazards are a real environmental problem
within the local and regional development of Subcarpathian
areas, because the phenomenon occurs on almost all hill slopes,
including the afforested ones. Superficial and shallow landslides
superposes on large, old and deep landslide bodies (Ielenicz, 1999; Armas et. al. 2004).
Landslide spatial occurrence in Romania was the subject of
some recent papers. Most of the authors focuses on landslide
susceptibility issues (Armas et al, 2004; Chitu et al., 2009;
Mihai et al., 2010 etc.) and some of them focused also on
hazard analysis (Sandric, 2008 unpublished) at different scale
approaches, from local and regional analysis and to the whole
Romanian territory (Balteanu et. al., 2010 in press). The GIS
modeling (deterministic and probabilistic approaches) and
mapping techniques are largely used within these papers
The aim of the paper is to develop a semi-automated algorithm
for landslide body’s identification and classification. The
algorithm is based on object based image analysis
(segmentation and classification) applied on high resolution air-
photos in combination with lithology, morphometrical features
and meteorological data
For the areas with complex morphodynamic features like the
Subcarpathians, the image visual interpretation and field
surveys are usually a time consuming step (Sandric, 2009,
Moine, 2009, Tapas, 2010). It is usually very difficult to extract
all the landslide bodies even on smaller areas (a catchment or a
small administrative unit like a town or a community), because
they have a complex typology (landslides, earthflows etc), they
occurs on the whole slope area, the landslide bodies of different
generation are superposed
1.2 Main contributions in the international literature
International contributions on landform automatic classification
are quite recent approaches (Dragut, Blaschke, 2006). Landslide
analysis on satellite imagery is an older research field
(Mantovani et al., 1996, McDermid, Franklin, 1994, Brardinoni
et al., 2003; van Westen, 2003; etc.). Since 2006, there is an
increasing interest in developing algorithms for landslide
classification, based on spectral data (Borghuis et al., 2007) as
well as on digital elevation data (van van Asselen,
Seijmonsbergen, 2006). Landslide mapping based on remote
sensing imagery object based image analysis and classification
(Nichol et al., 2005; Moine et al., 2009), remote sensing
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