Figure 8 Ceara Soil Associations Map
1) The LANDSAT-TM and SPOT imagery are found more
reliable for land use/land cover and major soil associations
mapping and could be used effectively for any part of semi-arid
regions of Brazil in order to submit the natural, ecological and
environmental resources information for the development and
management of the study area.
2) The orbital images proved to be an extremely useful source of
data for the purpose of detailed regional, local and rural planning
and management and development of our natural resources.
3) The supervised classification of SPOT and LANDSAT-TM
data for Land Use/Land Cover mapping and accuracy assessment
provided satisfactory results. In terms of operational reliability, the
per pixel maximum likelihood classification of SPOT and
LANDSAT-TM images offered the most satisfactory results in
comparison to other classification systems.
4) Accuracy assessment of the digital classification showed that
some categories such as water, forest and alluvial land were
identified more accurately than other categories. The more
accurately identified categories may be used as framework for the
addition of residual classes through a more conventional
approach, such as aerial photo-interpretation. The comparison of
digital interpretation with reference information indicated that
digital interpretation, closely resembled to
field observation and the overall classification accuracy was
observed always more than 85% except the urban and rock
outcrops mapping units..
5) Maps of soil associations prepared using the RECODE
program and other information may be used for detailed planning
and development and management of semi-arid regions of
northeastern Brazil.
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