In: Wagner W„ Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
different approaches have been adopted to highlight the real
horizontal and vertical changes. For the horizontal changes,
we apply an edge detection approach followed by a box
fitting method in order to extract the real changes relative to
the constructed/destructed building borders and remove the
virtual ones coming from the different nature of the used
DSMs. In the case of the vertical changes, we extract the
height values of the changed objects based on a statistical
method. Finally, the detection results are compared with the
manual extraction records.
2.1 Workflow of the proposed 3D change detection
We aim at extracting height information from the stereo
imagery, then generating a change-detection map that
represents 3D changes between the two datasets. We focus
our research on noise reduction and change detection areas
The overall workflow of the proposed 3D change detection
method is shown in Figure 1. The first step consists in
generating DSMs from two pairs of registered optical stereo
imagery acquired over the same area (here the city centre of
Munich) at two different epochs and t 2 . In this paper, the
DSMs are computed using the Semi-Global Matching (SGM)
method (Hirschmiiller 2008, d’Angelo 2008). A further co
registration between the two resulting DSMs has been
necessary to remove any shift in three dimensions that might
exist between the two DSMs. After that, the “difference
image” is produced where real changes are highlighted and
the influence of the noise (or virtual changes) is reduced
(sub-section 2.2). Then, this difference image is analyzed by
means of building edge detection in order to retrieve the
borders of the different constructed/destructed buildings.
Both of the positive change (new constructed buildings) and
negative changes (destructed places) in vertical and
horizontal direction are extracted.
Figure 1. 3D Change detection process proposed in this
2.2 Noise reduction
A major problem to cope with during change detection is the
reduction of different kinds of noise. In our research, the
noise is defined caused from: 1) Mis-coregistration. In
practice, when two images are co-registered at sub-pixel
accuracy, the true location of a pixel’s central point may be
anywhere within the pixels surrounding the point (Goodchild
et al., 1994, Guillermo et ah, 2009). It is unlikely that the
footprints of two coincident pixels of the DSMs correspond
to the same area (Bruzzone et ah, 2003). 2) Quality of the
DSM. Due to the erratic variations of the stereo images
acquisition conditions, the DSM that generated from stereo
imagery has some missing information (called holes in the
DSM) caused by the unsuccessful stereo image matching of
corresponding pixels. If we analyse the DEM from the pixel
level in the change detection procedure, the “holes” will be
detected and displayed as noise in the difference image.
Many noise reduction methods have been developed in the
literature (e.g. Gong et ah, 1992; Bruzzone et ah, 2003; Im et
ah, 2005 and Guillermo et ah, 2009), In this research, we
assume that each pixel in the first DSM shows the least
difference with its true corresponding pixel in the second
DSM. Therefore, we have chosen the “robust image
differencing" method proposed in the work of Guillermo
(2009). The robust difference between the initial DSM jc and
the final DSM x 2 for the pixel (i,j) , is defined as the
minimum of differences computed between the pixel jc 2 (/, j)
in the final DSM and a certain neighbourhood (with size
2*w+l) of the pixel x^(i,j) in the second DSM jc . In
mathematical words, the robust positive and negative
differences X pdif (/', j) and X (i, j) relative to the
pixel (i, j) are defined as written in equations (1) and (2),
, r . .min. . 11 ,fc 2 ('>y)-^,(A?))>o} 0)
{(x 2 0,/>-*,(/>><7))<°} (2)
Figure 2. Noise reducing procedure: (a) Original image
difference result; (b) Robust image difference result.
Figure 2 shows a comparison between a simple pixel-to-pixel
difference between the DEMs and a robust DEM difference.
In Figure 2 (a), although the changed area are highlighted to
some extend, the background is very noisy, which will
because a problem in the change information extraction
procedure. In contrast, after executing the robust image
difference in Figure 2 (b), the noise in the background is
successfully reduced, while the white areas, which are more
likely to be real changed areas, are not influenced