Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
In many cases it can be a basic condition for successful realiza 
tion of planned researches at carrying out of complex space ex 
During the programs realization it must be solved a wide range 
of scientific problems, part of which is an associated sub 
satellite (calibration) measurements. Such measurements are 
needed for 
• calibration of remote sensing devices, control of their 
working capacity in functioning, experimental data 
informativeness in remote control tasks, 
• working out of new, improvement and check of 
existing geophysical parameters restoring techniques; 
• development of techniques of joint interpretation of 
the space data received in various spectral bands and 
results synchronous sub-satellite measurements, 
• validation of space data, 
• complex studying of natural objects by use of the 
information received from various levels and with the 
different spatial resolution. 
For calibration uniform sites of terrestrial and water surfaces 
with known radiating and geophysical parameters are selected. 
The sizes of these sites are defined by resolution of measuring 
devices. For the radio spectrum - from a few kilometers to tens 
and hundreds kilometers depending on the wavelength. Test 
sites (on which subsatellite measurements are carried out 
synchronously or quasi synchronous with satellite observations) 
are chosen in different regions of the Earth for wider coverage 
of studied objects types. List of measured on test sites 
parameters, content of measurements are determined with 
concrete purpose of test site and experiment tasks. 
In Attachments to Programs are presented: 
• structure and characteristics of scientific equipment; 
• levels of the space data presentation (processing), 
• proposals on development of Scientific programs. 
It is worthwhile to coordinate the developed Scientific 
programs with similar researches of existing and planned to 
realization in near future of russian and foreign space projects. 
At the first stage of our space experiments the main goals are to 
develop and test new space microwave radiometric instrument 
in new band of electromagnetic spectrum in order to solve the 
following technical objectives: 
• investigation of RFI situation in L-band all over the 
• development of in-flight calibration techniques, 
• development of subpixel data processing algorithms 
for information simultaneously obtained from 
different satellites with different spatial resolutions. 
During this stage we expect to select main regions with low 
level of RFI and made adjustments of preliminary prepared data 
calibration techniques. 
Relatively low space resolution of the L-band radiometric 
systems restricts us in the list of possible applications. In the 
large field of view of the radiometer may be objects with quite 
different characteristics of emission. In this case high 
importance has development of algorithms for subpixel 
microwave data processing. During the data processing will be 
used simultaneous data from all available satellites with 
microwave and optical instruments having different space 
At the second stage it is expected to concentrate more on the 
scientific objectives and environment investigations. Main 
directions are: 
• soil moisture retrieval over the territories in regional 
and global scales, 
• sea salinity estimation in open ocean, 
• study of the geothermal activity regions, 
• investigation of energy-exchange in the ocean-land- 
atmosphere system (in combination with the data of 
other sensors). 
Experiments with space L-band microwave radiometers will 
provide new information on key characteristics of the oceans 
and land surface, mostly sea salinity and soil moisture. To 
achieve this goal it will be required to solve several technical 
problems concerning calibration, removing RFI effects and etc. 
Scientific program of the experiments should be coordinated 
with similar programs of European and USA projects. 
1. Hubert M. J. P. Barré, Duesmann , and Yann H. Kerr 
“SMOS: The Mission and the System,” IEEE Transactions 
on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2008, Vol. 46, n.3, 
pp. 587-593. 
2. http://smap.jpl.nasa.gov (accessed at 27 May 2010). 
3. Armand N.A., Smirnov M.T., Tishchenko Yu.G. “Hard 
ware for scientific and applied studies in Earth resource 
remote sensing and in environment monitoring from the 
International Space Station Russian segment”, Cosmonaut 
ics and rocket engineering, No 4 (49), 2007, pp. 91-94 (in 
4. Basharinov A.E., Shutko A.M. Measurements of moisture 
of land cover by microwave radiometry methods. - Mete 
orology and hydrology, 1971, №9, c. 17-20(in Russian). 
5. Shutko A.M. Microwave radiometry of water surface and 
soils. - M.: Nauka, 1986 (in Russian). 
6. Jackson, T.J., A.Y. Hsu, A. Shutko, Yu. Tishchenko, B. 
Petrenko, B. Kutuza, and N. Armand. Priroda microwave 
radiometer observations in the Southern Great Plains 1997 
Hydrology experiment. Int. J. Remote Sensing, 23 (2), 
2002, p. 231-248. 
7. Tishchenko Yu.G., Shutko A.M., Savorskiy V.P., Smirnov 
M.T., Krapivin V.F., Petkov D., Kancheva R., Nikolov H., 
Borisova D. Regional Monitoring of the Earth Surface in 
Black Sea Basin in Interests of Natural Disasters Mitiga 
tion // Proceedings of RAST 2007. Istanbul. 2007. P.540- 
This work was supported in part by grants RFBR 08-05-00890- 
a, 09-02-00780-a.

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