In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
0ivind Due Trier 3 ’ * and Einar Lieng b
3 Norwegian Computing Center, Gaustadalleen 23, P.O. Box 114 Blindem, N0-0314 Oslo, Norway -
b Asplan Viak AS, P.O. Box 701, N0-4808 Arendal, Norway -
KEY WORDS: Segmentation, classification, multispectral Quickbird imagery, urban vegetation
Municipalities in Norway need to develop an urban green structure plan. Traditional mapping has its limitation, since the land use is
in focus and not the actual land cover. This study evaluated the appropriateness of using multispectral Quickbird images for the
semi-automated mapping of green structures in urban and suburban areas. A Quickbird image of Oslo from 2 June 2008 was used. A
classification algorithm was implemented in Definiens Developer. The algorithm was applied to the whole image, and tested on six
randomly selected subsets. The validation was performed by manual editing of the classification result. The main focus of the
editing process was to detect misclassifications between grey areas (such as roads and buildings) and green areas (trees, grass, and
sparse vegetation). The most striking problem with the automated method was that the object borders were very rugged. However,
these segmentation problems were to some extent ignored in the evaluation process, concentrating on correcting major parts of
objects being misclassified rather than correcting all minor segmentation inaccuracies. The classification step had approximately 9%
misclassification rate in the two-class problem grey area versus green area. This is a very good basis for further improvement. The
obvious segmentation problems are clearly the first things to address when further improving the method. Another problem is to
what extent the automated method can be used on other images with different light conditions, e.g., with the presence of clouds or
light haze and another solar elevation. Will a simple retraining of the classification rules be sufficient, or will the rules have to be
redesigned? It could even happen that redesigning the rules is not sufficient, so that other methods have to be developed.
This work was initiated to meet the need of municipalities in
Norway to develop a green structure plan. Traditional mapping
has its limitation, since the land use is in focus and not the
actual land cover. Therefore, other sources of information about
urban and suburban green structure are being sought. A
municipality is interested in a green structure plan for several
1. To map current status of green areas and their
changes over time. For example, what happens with
the vegetation in public parks over time, even if the
mapped land use does not change?
2. To maintain biological diversity. Different species or
groups of species use different varieties of green
structure as corridors. For example, small birds would
avoid open areas, and need a corridor of trees to move
safely. In open areas, they would expose themselves
to predators.
3. Green structures are being used for recreation.
4. Vegetation converts carbon dioxide to oxygen,
reduces noise, and has aesthetical value. Vegetation
also binds water, reducing the prospect of floods after
heavy rainfall.
5. If accurate, the green structure map can be used in
The green structure includes private gardens. Although not
accessible to the public, private gardens containing trees
contributes to items 2 and 4 above.
* Corresponding author.
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Forest and farmland are not in the focus of this study, since they
are well mapped, and the land cover aligns well with the land
use classification of traditional mapping.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the appropriateness of
using Quickbird 0.6 m - 2.4 m resolution satellite images for
the automatic mapping of green structures in urban and
suburban areas. The rest of the report is organized as follows:
Section 2 presents the available Quickbird image data, followed
by a description of the segmentation, training, classification and
postprocessing steps of the automatic algorithm in Section 3. In
section 4, the validation methodology is described. The
validation results are presented in Section 5 and discussed in
Section 6. This paper is a condensed version of a project report
(Trier, 2009), available at
The project has acquired parts of a cloud-free Quickbird scene
of parts of Oslo and surrounding area, acquired on 2 June 2008.
The image has a 0.6 m ground resolution panchromatic band,
and four 2.4 m resolution multispectral bands (blue, green, red
and near infrared).
Definiens Developer (Definiens, 2007) was used to segment the
image, based on pixel colors and parameters describing the
segment shapes. Then the user defined a set of rules to classify
the segments based on texture, neighborhood, color and other
attributes. The final classification result consists of five classes:
(1) grey areas, (2) grass, (3) trees, (4) little vegetation, and (5)
water and missing data.