Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Pt. B)

In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
Ainley, D., Podolsky, R., Deforest, L., Spencer, G., 1997. New 
insights into the status of the Hawaiian petrel on Kauai. 
Colonial Waterbirds, 20, pp. 24-30. 
Aubrecht, C., Elvidge, C.D., Longcore, T., Rich, C., Safran, J., 
Strong, A., Eakin, M., Baugh, K.E., Tuttle, B.T., Howard, A.T., 
Erwin, E.H., 2008, A global inventory of coral reef stressors 
based on satellite observed nighttime lights. Geocarto 
International, 23(6), pp. 467-479. 
Aubrecht, C., Elvidge, C.D., Eakin, C.M., Ziskin, D., Baugh, 
K.E., 2009. Coral reef risk assessment using DMSP nighttime 
lights - Temporal trends and global perspectives. ISRSE: 33 rd 
International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. 
Proceedings. Stresa, Lago Maggiore, Italy, May 4-8, 2009. 
BirdLife International, 2000. Threatened Birds of the World. 
Lynx Edicions & BirdLife International, Barcelona, Cambridge. 
Bolton, M., 2001. Censo de Cagarro Calonectris diomedea no 
Arquipélago dos Açores, 2001. Unpublished Final Report, 
Department of Oceanography and Fisheries, University of 
Bryant, D., Burke, L., McManus, J., Spalding, M., 1998. Reefs 
at risk - A map-based indicator of threats to the world’s coral 
reefs. World Resources Institute, Washington DC, USA. 
Elvidge, C.D., Baugh, K.E., Kihn, E.A., Kroehl, H.W., Davis, 
E.R., 1997. Mapping of city lights using DMSP Operational 
Linescan System data. Photogrammetric Engineering and 
Remote Sensing, 63, pp. 727-734. 
Elvidge, C.D., Nelson, L, Hobson, V.R., Safran, J., Baugh, 
K.E., 2001a. Detection of fires at night using DMSP-OLS data. 
In Ahem, F.J., Goldammer, J.G., Justice, C.O. (Eds.), Global 
and Regional Vegetation Fire Monitoring from Space: 
Planning a Coordinated International Effort. SPB Academic 
Publishing bv, The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 125-144. 
Elvidge, C.D., Imhoff, M.L., Baugh, K.E., Hobson, V.R., 
Nelson, L, Safran, J., Dietz, J.B., Tuttle, B.T., 2001b, 
Nighttime lights of the world: 1994-95. ISPRS Journal of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 56, pp. 81-99. 
Elvidge, C.D., Cinzano, P., Pettit, D.R., Arvesen, J., Sutton, P., 
Small, C., Nemani, R., Longcore, T., Rich, C., Safran, J., 
Weeks, J., Ebener, S., 2007. The Nightsat mission concept. 
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28(12), pp. 2645- 
Elvidge, C.D., Keith, D.M., Tuttle, B.T., Baugh, K.E., 2010. 
Spectral Identification of Lighting Type and Character. 
Sensors, 10(4), pp. 3961-3988. 
Heppell, S.S., Snover, M.L., Crowder, L.B., 1997. Sea Turtle 
Population Ecology. In Lutz, P.L., Musick, J.A., Wyneken, J. 
(Eds), The Biology of Sea Turtles, Volume II. CRC Press, Boca 
Raton, pp. 275-299. 
Hotz, R.L., 2008. It’s All About the Lighting. City Lights Are 
Obscuring Our Starry Nights. The Wall Street Journal, A10, 
July 25, 2008. Available at 
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB 121692767218982013.html 
Imber, M. J., 1975. Behaviour of petrels in relation to the moon 
and artificial lights. Notornis, 22, pp. 302-306. 
Jokiel, P.L., Ito, R.Y., Liu, P.M., 1985. Night irradiance and 
synchronization of lunar release of planula larvae in the reef 
coral Pocillopora damicomis. Marine Biology, 88, pp. 167- 
Jouanin, C., 1987. Notes on the nesting of Procellariiformes in 
Réunion. In Diamond, A.W. (Ed.), Studies of Mascarene Island 
Birds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 
Jouanin, C., Gill, F., 1967. Recherche du Pétrel de Barau 
Pterodroma baraui. L ’O.R.F.O., 37, pp. 1-19- 
Klomp, N.I., Furness, R.W., 1992. Patterns of chick feeding in 
Cory’s Shearwaters and the associations with ambient light. 
Colonial Waterbirds, 15, pp. 95-102. 
Le Corre, M., Probst, J-M., de Vivies, Y-M., Ribes, S., 1996. 
Opération de sauvetage réussie pour les jeunes pétrels de Barau 
à l’envol. Courrier de la Nature, 160, pp. 12-13. 
Le Corre, M., de Vivies, Y-M., Ribes, S., 1999. Les pétrels de 
La Réunion en danger. Oiseau Magasine, 54, pp. 26-27. 
Le Corre, M., Ollivier, A., Ribes, S., Jouventin, P., 2002. 
Light-induced mortality of petrels: a 4-year study from Réunion 
Island (Indian Ocean). Biological Conservation, 105, pp. 93- 
Longcore, T., Rich, C., 2004. Ecological light pollution. 
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2(4), pp. 191-198. 
Lome, J.K., Salmon, M., 2007. Effects of exposure to artificial 
lighting on orientation of hatchling sea turtles on the beach and 
in the ocean. Endangered Species Research, 3, pp. 23-30. 
Montevecchi, W.A., 2006. Influences of artificial light on 
marine birds. In Rich, C., Longcore, T. (Eds.), Ecological 
Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting. Island Press, 
Washington, D.C., pp. 94-113. 
Nicholas, M., 2001. Light Pollution and Marine Turtle 
Hatchlings: The Straw that Breaks the Camel’s Back? The 
George Wright FORUM - Protecting Dark Skies, 18(4), pp. 77- 
Oro, D., de León, A., Minguez, E., Furness, R.W., 2005. 
Estimating predation on breeding European Storm-petrels 
(Hydrobates pelagicus) by Yellow-legged Gulls (Lams 
michahellis). Journal of Zoology, London, 265, pp. 421-429. 
Rich, C., Longcore, T., 2006. Ecological Consequences of 
Artificial Night Lighting. Island Press, Washington DC, USA. 
Rodrigues, P., Aubrecht, C., Gil, A., 2010. Light pollution 
impact on Cory’s Shearwater populations on Sâo Miguel Island, 
Azores archipelago - Comparing ground collection data with 
satellite observations of artificial night lighting. 1 st World 
Seabird Conference. Victoria, Canada, September 7-11, 2010. 
In press. 
Rodríguez, A., Rodriguez, B., 2009. Attraction of petrels to 
artificial lights in the Canary Islands: effects of the moon phase 
and age class. Ibis, 151, pp. 299-310.

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