In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
V.I. Lyalko a , A.J. Hodorovsky a , A.A. Apostolov 3 , A.B.Vostokov b *
3 Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth(CASRE), National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 55-B,
Oles Gonchar street, Kiev, 01601, Ukraine - (casre, artur, alex)@casre.kiev.ua
b The companies “Tvis Ltd”, office 171 build. 123, Kievskaya str., Obykhov town, Ukraine -
KEYWORDS: Remotely Sensed data, Geology, Resources, Mapping, Data mining, Landsat, Cost.
Technology of practical use of remotely-sensed data is shown. A developed method is allowing perform computations for
quantitative estimate the potential of petroleum, natural gas and minerals on the different territories. The scale of works is 1:10,000 to
1:200,000. Prognosis estimation of the territory potential is based on the relationship between the features of oil-and-gas content and
discontinuous structures with diverse scale level. The forecast of pools location is carried out on the basis of the complex attributes.
As a result of study we have quantitative estimating the probability for determining forecasted objects in each point of the research
area. The research point responds to the minimal area, which is identified in satellite digital imagery (5x5m, 15x1 5m, 30x30m etc.).
The results of the successful use of the method in different territories are documentary proof.
Die Technologie und der praktische Einsatz von auf Distanz gewonnenen Daten wird in der Studie gezeigt. Eine entwickelte
Methode ist zur quantitative Einschätzung von Territorien in Bezug auf Öl, Gas und Mineralien gedacht. Der Maßstab der Arbeiten
ist 1:10,000 bis 1:200,000. Die Progmosenschätzung der Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Territoriums basiert auf der Verwendung der
Verwandtschaft der Eigenschaften von Öl-und-Gas Inhalten und explosiven Strukturen auf einer anderen Maßstabsebene. Die
Voraussage von Lagerstätten wird auf der Basis der komplexen Attribute vorgenommen. Als Ergebnis der Studie wurde eine
quantitative Einschätzung der Wahrscheinlichkeit, die Objekte der Voraussage zu finden, für jeden Punkt des Forschungsgebietes
erhalten. Die Forschungsarbeit beantwortet das kleinste Gebiet, das in digitaler Satellitenabbildung dargestellt wird (5x5m, 15x1 5m,
30x30m etc.). Die Ergebnisse der erfolgreichen Anwendung der Methode in verschiedenen Territorien werden betrachtet.
Different countries are constantly increasing expenditures to
search for pools. Increased expenditures on augmenting the
depths of the drilling wells and costs of basic methods of
exploration are defined.
The decrease of expenditures and increase of efficiency of
search works are possible in two ways:
1) Complex use of comparatively inexpensive methods for
exploration on the remotely- sensed data are based.
2) Preliminary results of prognosis are used for all studied
Efficiency increases due to abbreviated exploration on non
perspective territories. Even the insignificant increase of
exploration efficiency provides income. It is incomparable with
expenditures on implementation of traditional exploration.
Tradition approach using the remotely-sensed data for the
study the faults-mosaic and folds structure. The research results
are represented as maps. It hampers using these maps for
prognosis of territories in a complex with data of other
exploration methods.
We developed the method of using remotely-sensed data for
complex exploration of oil-and gas content. These results can
be used together with the results from other types of research
for complex prognosis of perspective territories. This method
was patented (# 32050, 2008).
This method was used to explore oil-and-gas content for
different provinces of Dneprovo-Donetsk depression, West-
Siberia, Timano-Pechora and Sakhalin Island. These provinces
are located in a variety of geological landscapes. In most cases,
the prognosis results are confirmed by the data from the
exploration wells.
A.B. Vostokov
2.1. Sequence of implementation of works
The offered method contains some basic stages of research. In
each stage are used the special methods of analysis. On the first
stage the collection and systematization of all material about the
geological formation of the territory, the data of the oil-and gas
content, results of geophysical survey and landscape terms are
conducted. All remotely-sensed data are collected and analyzed.
Special attention is devoted to reception and checking of data of
geographical co-ordinates of the wells and results of the drilling.
By results of researches the representations about geology,
tectonics, structure and oil-and-gas content of area of works,
factors of the control of pools, landscape conditions and other are
formed. Results are prepared in the GIS environment. The choice
of research methods will be based on these data.
The second stage contains structural interpretation of the
remotely-sensed data. The faults, breakings and circular structures
are selecting. The faults-mosaic and scheme of morphological
structures are constructed. Special attention is devoted to the
permeability of rocks.
The third stage contains several types of methods for calculating
the potential of research territory. In the beginning perspective
meanings are defining for separate search features. Then spatial-
probabilistic estimation is used to analyze the values for all the
search features. The method of spatial-probabilistic estimation is
used (Nagorskiy and other, 1970, 1971, 2004).
The fourth stage is analysis the received results, estimates
authenticity and recommends further research Two groups of
principal and different methods of research the during works are
used. The first groups of methods are used for interpretation of
remote-sensing materials and construction of morphometry. As a