In: Wagner W„ Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
shading and multiple scattering are minimal (for a
recent review see Chen et al., 2000),
2. Turbid medium models assume the canopy to be
horizontally uniform and to be composed of plane
parallel layers that are filled with dimensionless
scatterers randomly distributed throughout the
available volume and oriented in accordance with a
given leaf normal distribution function. These models
are best used for dense canopies with small vegetation
elements (e.g., mature agricultural crops) and
relatively inappropriate for open forest canopies (for a
recent review see Qin and Liang, 2000),
3. Hybrid models represent vegetation canopies using
both of the above approaches. Typically they assume
that the interior of geometric objects (representing
tree crowns) are uniformly filled with a ‘gas’ of point
like oriented scatterers of specified orientations and
spectral properties. These models can be used to
represent both sparse and dense canopies. However,
multiple scattering is not rigorously treated and the
models are often limited by one single type of crown
geometries (Goel and Thompson, 2000),
4. Computer simulation models can represent arbitrarily
complex canopy architectures using constructive solid
geometry or similar computer graphics techniques. All
facets of a geometric object (needle, trunk, leaf, twig,
etc.) can be tagged with spectral and directional
scattering properties. In ray-tracing models a Monte
Carlo procedure is then used to determine the location
and direction of incident light beams; the type of
interaction, i.e., reflection, absorption or transmission,
that such rays undergo when intersecting with an
object, and in the case of a scattering event also the
direction of further propagation. To compute the
BRDF of a plant canopy one keeps shooting rays into
the scene, follows them through their various
interactions until they exit the scene and end up in
certain small solid angles around predefined viewing
directions. Due to the large number of photons needed
for reliable statistics this type of RT model tends to be
relative computer intensive (Disney et al., 2000).
1.3 Early Canopy RT Model Validation Efforts
With the availability of a large set of canopy RT models in the
1980s the question arose as to how one could assess their
quality and reliability. Of primary interest here was the
validation of ‘simple’ canopy RT models that - because of fast
execution times and small numbers of parameters - were likely
to play a role in the operational retrieval of quantitative surface
information from optical remote sensing data. So far the
verification of canopy RT models in forward mode has always
relied on comparison strategies with respect to one or more of
the following types of reference data:
1. Air or space borne observations, that were acquired
over specific test sites and subsequently corrected on
the basis of concurrently measured atmospheric
properties, are used as a means to evaluate the
simulations of canopy RT models based on structural,
spectral and illumination related information
pertaining to the same canopy target and (ideally also)
the same time of acquisition as the space or air-borne
observations, e.g., Schaaf et al., (1994), Soffer et al.,
2. In-situ or laboratory measurements, that were
acquired with sensors - typically supported by a tram
system or goniometer structure - looking down at the
canopy target, are used as a means to evaluate the
quality of RT model simulations based on the
spectral, structural and illumination characteristics of
the canopy target (ideally acquired at the same time as
the BRDF measurements), e.g., Franklin and Duncan
(1992), Strahler and Liang (1994),
3. Canopy RT model simulations, that were (ideally)
generated by sophisticated Monte Carlo RT models
on the basis of detailed 3-D description of the canopy
architecture, are used to assess the output of simpler
canopy RT models making use of the same canopy-
target characteristics (albeit adapted to their need for
input parameter specifications), e.g., Goel and Kuusk,
(1992), Liang and Strahler (1992).
In some cases the quality of canopy RT models is also
addressed in inverse mode, that is, by looking at how well a
model allows to retrieve certain biophysical parameters on the
basis of measured BRDF data. Such an approach is, however,
more suited to comment on the numerical inversion procedure
than the physical correctness of the canopy RT model. Pinty
and Verstraete (1992) advocated the use of both forward and
inverse modes. Their idea was to acquire detailed descriptions
of the structural and spectral properties of a canopy target and
to feed these into an RT model to simulate BRDF patterns of
the target under a specific set of illumination and observation
conditions. These forward simulations can then be compared to
actual observations previously acquired over the target in
question at the same viewing and illumination geometries. The
RT model can then be inverted against the measured and/or
simulated data sets and the output of this operation compared to
the canopy characteristics that had been measured initially and
used as input to the forward simulations.
Unfortunately, the verification of canopy RT models on the
basis of actual measurements has always been hampered by the
lack of accurate, comprehensive and self-consistent field data
sets, e.g., Strahler, (1997). This situation has not changed much
since the 1990s and even the use of artificial targets in
laboratory environments suffer from the same difficulties, that
is, instruments and methods that allow for a highly precise
characterisation of 1) the light environment surrounding the
target, 2) the position, orientation, size and shape of all the
physical components making up the target, 3) the magnitude,
directionality and spatial variation of scattering properties of all
canopy and background elements, and 4) the detector location,
foreoptics (if present) and spectral response functions. None of
these issues are present, however, when canopy RT models are
compared using virtual plant environments.
2.1 Strategy
The RAdiative transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI)
initiative was launched in the late 1990s to provide a platform
for the systematic evaluation of physically-based canopy RT
models (Pinty et al., 2001). Of primary relevance was the need
to eliminate sources of uncertainty that affect the outcome of
verification efforts but that do not pertain to the quality of the
canopy RT models themselves. At the time, this strategy
precluded the evaluation of RT model simulations on the basis