>, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
July . October
:r field
''V polarisation
nad-leaved crops and
l area
range in October after
conditions. On winter
/ered in March when
IBCH-codes 17-19).
>-8 dB and remain on
uly before harvesting
it crops show that
>m those with narrow
erence in backscatter
ferentiate within the
broad-leaved crops due to the time difference in development of
ground covering leaves. For asparagus there is a widespread
backscatter distribution recognizable for all acquisition months.
The maximum backscatter values (up to -2 dB) are reached in
March, July and October. Lowest values (below -14 dB) were
noticed in April and June. The structure of the asparagus plant
and the plantation in rows seems to influence the reflection
The analysis of the VV polarised signal shows a very similar
backscatter for broad-leaved crops when compared to the HH
polarised signal. Just a minor decline of values occurs at all
Ì -8
V 10
B” - 8
J -10
i -8
V 10
March . April . June , July , October
9 4
' I
i ,i
!i! I
Mean backscatter per field
• HH polarisation 4 VV polarisation
Figure 2: Backscatter distribution for grains in Fuhrberg area
Grains: Backscatter values for grains (Fig 2) differ decisively
from broad-leaved crops. In April, the values exhibit a decline
to <-10 dB despite of the different phenological stages for
spring and winter grains. In April 2009, spring grain started the
development of first leaves (BBCH-codes 11-14), while winter
grain finished the development of tillers and started elongation
(BBCH-codes 29-31). But, these strong differences in the
canopy structure and ground cover between winter and summer
grains are not mirrored in the backscatter. After development of
closed canopy in June, backscatter values remain on low level
(<-11 dB) except from most oat fields where values remained
above -12 dB. The backscatter of some barley and rye fields
declined to -15 dB, while wheat and oat never cross the line of
-14 dB. During June acquisition, all grains began flowering or
fruit development (BBCH-codes 61-75). The values for barley
and rye in July rose to >-12 dB. Most barley fields have a mean
backscatter distribution of -9.5 to -12 dB. Rye fields have a
mean backscatter from -8 dB to -12 dB. The backscatter values
for wheat and oat remain on the level of June. Nearly all grains
finished flowering and fruit development and were at stage of
ripening (BBCH-codes 83-89) in July. Distribution of mean
backscatter during October acquisition differs on wide range
due to different dates of harvest.
Except for oat, backscatter of VV polarised measurement show
a strong decline of approx. -2 dB in June and July compared to
HH polarised data. For other months and for oat this effect
cannot be recognized or the decline is not as strong.
Within the group of grains, oat is clearly discriminable because
the backscatter values in June do not decrease.
Grasslands and meadows: For grasslands and meadows there
is a characteristic low backscattering of the radar signal in
March (Fig. 3). Its distribution ranges from -10.6 to -14.3 dB.
The values are lower than for most other crops at this time.
Thus, grassland could be easily discriminated from grains, bare
soil in preparation and intertillage crops which existed on other
fields during March acquisition. Backscattering during
acquisitions in April, June and July is similar to the one of
grains. In April and June, the mean backscatter is <-12 dB. It is
equally distributed up to -16 dB. In July, backscatter values
reach >-12 dB; the phenology varied because of previous
swathe. October values then reach the level of March again.
In VV polarised mode measured backscatter signal is lower than
HH polarised signal for all acquisition month. This effect is
strongest in July: VV values differ from HH values by approx.
2 dB. Due to the low backscatter values in March differentiation
of grasslands/ meadows and grains is possible.
Mean backscatter per field
• HH polarisation * VV polarisation
Figure 3: Backscatter distribution for grassland and meadows in
the Fuhrberg area
3.2.2 Gorajec area:
Broad-leaved crops: Sugar beets show backscatter values
between -8 and -lOdB in June. From July to September sugar
beet fields remain on a high value (>-8 dB). Compared to sugar
beets in Fuhrberg area, backscatter rises during summer month