International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B2, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August - 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
acquisition date on 08/19/2008, dry season, spatial resolution of
• Satellite image from CBERS 2B, HRC sensor,
panchromatic band, and 158/A/119/2 Point Orbits; acquisition
on 10/10/2008, dry season, spatial resolution of 2.5m.
For the image geo-referencing step, an ortophoto was used in
2006, and to validate the extraction of vegetation a QuickBird
Image of 2002 was used. Both images have spatial resolution of
60 cm, and we use true color composition (no infrared).
Figure 1 - City of Goiania, Brazil. Urban area appears in red
Census data, correspondent to the 2000 census, was obtained at
the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). This
aggregated data was made available by the Census Districts.
Additional vector data was acquired together with the city of
Goiania in the form of MUBDG (Basic Urban Digital Map of
Goiania) and were updated in 2008.
Figure 2 presents the flowchart of the methodology carried out
for processing the satellite images, and then to generate the
vegetation change map. This methodology was adapted from
Domingos (2005). Following, we provide a detailed description
about the digital image processing techniques used in this study.
2.1 Image Pre-processing
Due to differences in the images generated by the sensors, it is
natural that distortions between the images occur. Thus some
pre-processing steps are necessary to correct the data so that
they become consistent to the proposed procedure.
The adjustment in question began with mosaic of images from
TM and HRC sensors as shown in Figure 3. Next, we performed
the atmospheric correction through the subtraction technique of
the dark pixel (Chavez, 1988). Subsequently, we processed the
images with a restoration filter, which improves the effective
spatial resolution of the image and interpolates them at a finer
sampling grid (Fonseca et al., 1993). The pixel size of CCD (20
m) and TM (30 m) was changed to 10 meters using the
aforementioned restoration algorithm.
Finally, the data were interpolated (cubic convolution) to 2.5m
to present the same pixel size of image HRC, a fundamental
condition for the success of the fusion process.
For geo-referencing HRC, CCD and TM images, we used a
2006 ortophoto, in UTM Projection system with Datum Sad 69,
as reference. For this, a set of 47 identifiable and well
distributed control points throughout the study area were
collected, having a pixel error of less than 0.38. To further
minimize the registration error, the REGEEMY
( system, version 0.2.43, was used,
which allowed a refinement of the control points with an error
below 0.17 pixel.
As the scenes went beyond the area of interest after mosaicking,
it was necessary to superimpose the image with a vector file
with the limits of the region of interest, to eliminate the area
that would not be used.
Figure 2 - Methodological Flowchart.