International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B4, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August - 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
identified control points which were measured on image in
mono mode. The stereo approach, applied in photogrammetric
digital workstations, allows to increase the orientation accuracy
of satellite images, by including in this process some stereo
measured tie points (of any type including poorly identified) in
addition to a very few control points with known field location
(Hole, 2011). When the suitable number of tie points is
uniformly distributed around 3D photogrammetric model then
the required control points (surveyed in field) would be
significantly reduced. In such case not only the accuracy of
exterior orientation of imagery is increased but also a load of
field work is much decreased. The most important advantage of
using a photogrammetric digital workstation is a possibility to
generate a 3D model and measure all specific spatial vector data
for each building within the area, in process of stereo
digitization. When the photogrammetric system, such as
Summit Evolution, is on-line integrated with 3D GIS platform,
such as ArcGIS (ArcMap module), then all measured feature
data are directly transferred to the selected layers of GIS
database and supplemented with the attributes acquired from
photographs or some other sources [Bujakiewicz, Preuss, 2010].
Such data subsequently can serve for 3D modelling of buildings
and visualization. Direct connection of the measuring
photogrammetric system with 3D data base allows also to
superimpose all available data which are archived in this base,
such as ground footprints from the cadastral files or from
orthophoto, to the photogrammetric model generated from
VHRS images. This is helpful not only for stereo-digitization of
the new 3D vector product but also to control and update the
existing data. However, in any stereo photogrammetric system,
the accuracy of measurement and recognition and
discrimination of object’ features depend on type and resolution
of source images. As it was investigated in some earlier
research, concerning processing of data from VHRS images, the
accuracy of features measurement can be assumed due to
standard of LoD2, but recognition and discrimination of some
features qualify such 3D models rather to level LoDl.
In the experiment, two stereo IKONOS-2 panchromatic images
of one of the Cracow city districts were used. They were
acquired by the Satellite Center of Regional Operations (SCOR)
in Komorow, Poland in May 2005, with time interval of 1
minute. The stereo images used in this experiment had been
reprocessed by the cubic convolution resampling, due to spatial
and radiometric resolution. The images were delivered with
RPC coefficients and file of metadata with all detailed
information. The part of Cracow area selected for
photogrammetric stereo compilation is shown in figure 2.
Fig. 2 Area of Cracow city selected for compilation
To support exterior orientation and for the final accuracy
evaluation, some well identified man-made control and check
points were surveyed in field. The example of such type of
point is shown in figure 3.
Fig. 3 Image location of one of control point
Other data available for the purpose of this project were:
terrain elevation data - DTED Level 2 (in NATO standard
format) and digital orthophoto from midlc scale photography,
which was used for mono plotting of building basements and
consequently served as the reference data.
Process of exterior orientation of two Ikonos images and their
stereo compilation were carried out on the photogrammetric
system Summit Evolution combined with ArcGIS, which
accepts the Ikonos imagery and their corresponding RPC
coefficients. The wide range of the Summit Evolution projects
(depending on various input data) is shown in the figure 4.
Fig. 4 Window of Summit Evolution showing the possible
input data (Manual of Summit Evolution)
As it is obvious, the exterior orientation stage has a major
influence on accuracy of 3D model reconstruction and all data
determined and therefore a great effort went to this part. For
evaluation of the exterior orientation accuracy in relation to a
number of tie and control points, different combinations of
points were selected. From the principle, stereo measurement of
tie points reduces the number of control points with known
ground coordinates and therefore allows improvement of the
exterior orientation accuracy by inclusion of more observation
equations without the additional cost for field load. The
adjustment process uses two types of observation equations
which are based on both coplanarity and collinearity conditions.
In total, 22 field surveyed points, uniformly distributed
around the model area, had XYZ coordinates (in PUWG-92
system), of which, 5 were used as the control points and the
remaining 17 as check points. For accuracy analysis, The RMS
was evaluated for check points (CHP), after exterior orientation
of stereo images of Ikonos and reconstruction of 3D model in
Summit Evolution photogrammetric workstation, using of RPC