In: Paparoditis N., Pierrot-Deseilligny M.. Mallet C.. Tournaire O. (Eds). IAPRS. Vol. XXXVIII. Part ЗА - Saint-Mandé, France. September 1-3. 2010
perfectly discriminates road signs from noise compared to simple
gradient-based score.
Hybrid algorithm
Figure 5: ROC curve for our algorithm applied to database CD3
and using two kinds of score calculation
To illustrate the interest of primitives fusion, we used the same
image database which we processed using different values of the
parameter e re f- This parameter changes the influence of prim
itives with respect to the error e e . The lower the value of e re f
(closer to zero), the later the appearance of edge primitive influ
ence in the convergence process. This means that for low values
of e re f, edge primitive effects lose their influence and the preci
sion of convergence should be lower. On the other hand, if we
use higher values for this parameter, we lose in efficiency and
an individual would require more iterations to match an object.
This phenomenon is observed in figure 6 which shows the mean
number of iterations required (generations) for the best individual
to converge (minimum error) on a road sign, and the mean error
that the best individual reaches. We note that if we choose a large
value for e re f, the mean of number of generations is about 3 times
higher. We therefore choose a value of e re f around the point of
the convergence point of the curves. The algorithm needs around
15 iterations with 20 individuals to achieve a very precise conver
gence compared to the needed 50 iterations with 100 individuals
for (De La Escalera et al.. 2004). In order to show the precision
Figure 6: Mean of number of generation and mean of final error
of best idividual w.r.t e re f
of the convergence, figure 7 deals with different views of sam
ples which come from original images. The fine-detection algo
rithm found an ideal couple {template, configuration} to inverse
transform the corresponding area into front view colour images of
(80x80) pixels which we call “samples”. These samples can eas
ily be used in Brightness and Contrast Invariant (BC-invariant)
template matching to identify the sample in a road-sign database.
We implemented simple BC-invariant template matching to cal
culate a correlation score for each colour band. We calculate the
sum of square of these three scores to obtain the general correla
tion score. Examples are shown in figure 9.
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Figure 7: Some samples of road sign picked up from images
thanks to fine convergence of hybrid algorithm. These samples
can be easily used in correlation algorithm.
Figure 8: Database of red triangular road signs used in BC-
invariant template matching.
We present a real optimized method to fine-defect road signs in
an image scene. Our first contribution consists in combining two
different approaches : the first is an evolutionary algorithm which
allows us to make global optimizations thanks to stochastic pro
cesses, the second is a deterministic algorithm used to minimize
the local configuration error of a deformable template which im
proves the convergence precision and the process repeatability.
The definition of a greater number of templates permits detection
of other shapes such as circular road signs without no change in
the algorithm (figure 9). Our second contribution is to combine
the colour information and edge information to obtain an autoad-
aptive convergence and to fine-detect objects with high precision
with a small number of iterations. While (De La Escalera et al.,
2004) presents an analog genetic based algorithm where about
100 individuals per template are required and more than 50 it
erations to get their best results, our algorithm is able to con
verge in less than 10 generations. Compared to work in (Siarry,
2007) where different EA are used to minimize configurations of
4 parameters, we are able to manage a 6-dimensions configura
tion vector which enables us to extract precisely road signs with
strong spatial tilt such as the temporary road sign in the first im
age of figure 9. The associated sample is the first one on figure
7 where we observe that the road sign perfectly matches the im
age’s dimensions. Finally, we have shown that we can use simple
Brightness and Contrast invariant template matching to recognize
every sample that the fine-detection algorithm produces.