Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed full manuscripts (Part A)

In: Paparoditis N., Pierrot-Deseilligny M.. Mallet C.. Tournaire O. (Eds), 1APRS. Vol. XXXVIII. Part 3A - Saint-Mandé, France, September 1-3, 2010 
Figure 4: Top view (top left), local views (top right) and oblique view (bottom) of the final 3D model of the campus. The top view can 
be matched with Fig. 1 .g. The transformation between top and oblique views is a rotation around horizontal axis. 
meshes of view-centered models to form a continuous surface, 
and accelerations using GPU. 
Anan, C. S. and Hartley, R., 2005. Visual localization and loop- 
back detection with a high resolution omnidirectional camera. In: 
OMNIVIS Workshop. 
Chai, B., Sethuraman, S., Sawhney, H. and Hatrack, P., 2004. 
Depth map compression for real-time view-based rendering. Pat 
tern recognition letters 25(7), pp. 755-766. 
Comelis, K.. Verbiest, F. and Gool, L. V., 2004. Drift removal 
for sequential structure from motion algorithms. PAMI 26(10), 
Doubek, P. and Svoboda, T., 2002. Reliable 3d reconstruction 
from a few catadioptric images. In: OMNIVIS Workshop. 
Havlena, M.. Torri, A., Knopp, J. and Pajdla, T., 2009. Ran 
domized structure from motion based on atomic 3d models from 
camera triplets. In: CVPR‘09. 
Lhuillier, M., 2008a. Automatic scene structure and camera mo 
tion using a catadioptric system. CVIU 109(2), pp. 186-203. 
Lhuillier. M., 2008b. Toward automatic 3d modeling of scenes 
using a generic camera model. In: CVPR’08. 
Lhuillier, M. and Quan. L., 2002. Match propagation for image- 
based modeling and rendering. PAMI 24(8), pp. 1140-1146. 
Micusik, B. and Kosecka, J., 2009. Piecewise planar city 3d mod 
eling from street view panoramic sequence. In: CVPR'09. 
Pollefeys, M., Nister, D., Frahm, J., Akbarzadeh, A., Mordohai, 
P., Clipp, B., Engels, C., Gallup, D., Kim, S., Merell. R. Salmi, 
C., Sinha, S., Talton, B., Wang, L., Yang, Q., Stewenius, H., 
Yang, R., Welch, G. and Towles, H., 2008. Detailed real-time 
urban 3d reconstruction from video. 1JCV 78(2), pp. 143-167. 
Schindler, K. and Bischof, H., 2003. On robust regression in 
photogrammetric point clouds. In: DAGM'03. 
Triggs. B., McLauchlan. R, Hartley, R. and Fitzgibbon, A., 2000. 
Bundle adjustment - a modem synthesis. In: Vision Algorithms 

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