In: Paparoditis N., Pieirot-Deseilligny M.. Mallet C.. Tournaire O. (Eds). IAPRS. Vol. XXXVIII. Part ЗА - Saint-Mandé, France. September 1-3. 2010
Plane and Boundary Extraction from LiDAR data using Clustering and Convex Hull Projection.
Augustine Tsoi, Chun F. Hsu, I-Chou Hong, Wen-Kai Liu 175
Motion blur detection in aerial images shot with channel-dependent exposure time,
Lâmân Lelégard, Mathieu Brédif, Bruno Vallet, Didier Soldo 180
Building Sparse 3D representations from a Set of Calibrated Panoramic Images,
Daniel Wojtaszek, Robert Laganière, Homed Peikari, Mohammad Peikari 186
Fringe Code Reduction for 3D Measurement Systems Using Epipolar Geometry.
Christian Brauer-Burchardt, Christoph Munkelt, Matthias Heinze, Peter Kiihmstedt, Gunther Notni 192
Quality measures for building reconstruction from airborne laser scanner data,
Sander Oude Elberink 198
SRTM registration for electro-optic satellite images without GCP.
Yolda§ Ata seven, A. Ay din Alatan 204
People tracking and trajectory interpretation in aerial image sequences,
Florian Burkert, Florian Schmidt, Matthias Butenuth, Stefan Hinz 209
Segmentation of networks from VHR remote sensing images using a directed phase field HOAC model.
Aymen El Ghoul, Ian Jermyn, Josiane Zerubia 215
Land cover dependent derivation of Digital Surface Models from airborne laser scanning data.
Markus Hollaus, Gottfried Mandlburger, Norbert Pfeifer, Werner Miicke 221
A Formulation For Unsupervised Hierarchical Segmentation Of Façade Images With Periodic Models,
Jean-Pascal Burochin, Bruno Vallet, Olivier Tournaire, Nicolas Paparoditis 227
Image-based building classification and 3D modeling with super-pixels,
Stefan Kluckner, Horst Bischof 233
Urban building detection from optical and InSAR features exploiting context,
Jan Dirk Wegner, Ali Ôzgün Ok, Antje Thiele, Franz Rottensteiner, Uwe Soergel 239
Roof plane segmentation by combining multiple images and point clouds.
Franz Rottensteiner 245
Automatic detection of buildings with rectangular flat roofs from multi-view oblique imagery,
Jin g Xiao, Markus Gerke, George Vosselman 251
Evaluation of texture energies for classification of façades images,
Martin Drauschke, Helmut Mayer 257
Evidence of walls in oblique images for automatic verification of buildings,
Adam Patrick Nyaruhuma, Markus Gerke, George Vosselman 263
Model-based reconstruction and classification of façade parts in 3D point clouds,
Jorg Schmittwilken, Lutz Pliimer 269