patches centred at the considered points. Indeed, these homolo
gous points are necessary to feed a photogrammetric bundle ad
justment to estimate accurately the relative pose of all the images
within the panorama. The main advantage of this method is that
it finds corresponding points in any situation, even if the surface
is uniform or regular. The second advantage is that it chooses the
number of corresponding points per images as well as the repar
tition of these points.
Our mathematical calibration model
Saint-Mandé, France, September 1-3, 2010
For our calibration process, we need to have all the images ac
quired from the same point of view. To minimize manually the
parallax due to the mounting of the camera on the acquisition de
vice, one takes a pair of rotated images with near and far objects.
If the two objects remain in the same order in both images, there
is no or only a small parallax. If the order is changed, there is
some parallax. Fig. 2 shows two images taken with our system.
Most calibration techniques try to minimize the residuals in the
image space of known points, or geometrical characteristics ex
tracted from images. In our case, we only want to minimize the
angle between the corresponding photogrammetric rays of ho
mologous points directly in panoramic space (see eq. 1). This
explains why our process does not require ground points.
Each image is fixed in the panoramic space by a rotation noted
Ri, p . Our perspective model contains the Principal Point of Au-
tocollimation (the intersection of the focal plane with the optical
axis) of coordinates (cppaJppa) and the focal length denoted
1.3.1 Ray in 3D space To transform a point (c, l) in image
coordinates to a ray (x',y',z') in panoramic space, we use a
function g which depends on Rj, p , f and (cppaJppa) (see
eq. 1).
yjx 2 + y 2 + Z 2
= C — CppA
= IppA — I
= ~f
Figure 2: Rotation with a decentered camera around pan-tilt axes
We can see that the order of the wire in the foreground and the
TV antenna changes between the two images. Thus, the position
of the camera on the device is shifted manually until this effect
1.2 Description of our matching process
1.3.2 Distortion modeling We consider an additive radial dis
tortion model which amplitude is modelled by a polynomial of
the form p(r) = a.r 3 + b.r 5 + c.r ‘ where r is the radius centred
on the Principal Point of Symmetry (cpps,Ipps) which is dif
ferent from the PPA.
Eq. 2 shows how to compute a corrected measure from a real
measure, where (Cb,lb) is the measure directly taken in image
space, and (c c , l c ) is the corrected measurement:
To compute homologous points, you can use different strategies.
For example by extracting and matching interest points such as
SIFT point (Lowe, 2004). We have used also a matching of ho
mologous points in two neighbouring images based on anony
mous features (Craciun et al., 2009), following a two steps ap
proach. In a similar way to the process describe in (Coorg and
Teller, 2000), the first step of our pose estimation method consists
in finding for each pair of overlapping images the rotation which
optimises the Normalised Cross Correlation similarity score com
puted on the overlap of the first image with a rigid transform of
the second image to put it in the geometry of the first. The opti
misation is performed in a greedy way within a multi-resolution
T = yf (Cb — cpps) 2 + (h — Ipps) 2
dr = ar 2 + br 4 + cr G
Cb + (Cb — cpps)dr
l c — h 4- (h — lpps)dr
In this process, we must ensure that the model is not correlated
with intrinsic parameters. For example, a model of purely linear
radial distortion shows that an increase of the focal length has
the same effect as reducing the coefficient of distortion. The sys
tem thus cannot converge or converges to a mathematical minima
which is physically incorrect.
System to solve
To compute the pose of images in a panorama and calibrate a
camera, one must find a set of parameters: rotation of each image
in the panoramic system (i?i lP , • ■ • , Rn, p ) and intrinsic parame
ters (/ and the PPA image coordinates (cppaJppa))• This can
In: P
be a
Of c
li ers
As c
the i
l A =
eq. t
In ec