Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
affected, apart from the noise, by the natural image texture. 
Hence, the shape of the histogram of wavelet details is not 
always correlated with the noise level. 
Based on the studies, it has been proven that the analysis of the 
equation of preservation of image relative variance is a good 
indication of the noise level. The low noise level is proven by a 
stable increase of the details variance along with the level of 
decomposition. In case of fine-grained image texture, such 
increase is undisturbed. 
Great difference in the contents of random noise has been 
confirmed by the comparison of images from the digital and 
analogue cameras. The DMC images contain several times less 
random noise than those from an analogue camera. 
The studies described are not exhaustive as regards the use of 
wavelets for valorisation of radiometric quality of 
photogrammetric images. Since higher quality of 8-bit DMC 
images generated from the panchromatic and 3 multi-spectral 
components has been proven, the quality of individual 
components would have to be verified. It appears that the 
wavelet transform can also be used for the optimisation of tonal 
mapping which takes place while transforming the signal of a 
broad dynamic range of a digital camera into the 8-bit range. 
In the current stage of research it is not possible to use the 
results of the wavelet-components analysis as an absolute 
measure of the noise content. Defining such a measure requires 
carrying out a series of experiments, in which the images taken 
in the different conditions and seasons, will be studied. Such 
researches should be carried out in the future, because 
unsatisfactory quality of the radiometric images makes 
automation of the photogrammetric technology difficult and 
reduces the interpretation value of the images, including 
orthophoto-maps, so popular nowadays. 
The investigation has been made within the scope of research 
project AGH 
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Task Force on Radiometric and Geometric Calibration. ISPRS 
Istanbul 2004, com. I, p.354-360. 
Mulcahy C., 1997. Image Compression Using The Haar 
Wavelet Transform . Spelman College Science & Mathematics 
Journal, Vol 1, No 1, April 1997, p.22-31. 
Pyka K., 2005. The Wavelets Indicators of radiometric Changes 
Taking Place in Orthophoto-map Generation Process (in polish). 
UWND AGH Krakow, 2005, p. 1-95. 
Simoncelli E.P., Adelson E.H., 1996: Noise removal via 
Bayesian Wavelet Coring. Proceedings of 3rd IEEE 
International Conference on Image Processing, vol. I, pp. 379- 
382. Lausanne, Switzerland. 16-19 September 1996. IEEE 
Signal Processing Society, 1996. 
Simoncelli E.P., 1999: Modeling the Joint Statistic of Images in 
Wavelet Domain. Proc. SPIE 44th Annual Meeting, vol. 3813 
Denver, Colorado. July 1999.

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