Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
In order to determine what bare-earth DEM accuracies are 
achievable under various types of forest and terrain condition, a 
fully polarimetrie, single-pass interferometric L-Band system 
has been assembled, and tests have recently commenced. It has 
the virtue that as a single-pass system, temporal decorrelation 
and residual motion effects should not impact the results. In the 
following sections we will summarize the system design, 
describe the processing methodology, and provide some early 
results from our preliminary data. 
4.1.1 Design Philosophy: This system is intended to answer 
the question posed above: what are the achievable bare-earth 
DEM accuracies achievable under a range of forest and 
topography conditions? The concept behind the design of this 
system is that the experimental platform should be relatively 
inexpensive, consistent with the experiment needs and be 
deployable in as short a period as possible. Thus there is no 
attempt to satisfy more operational considerations. In particular, 
we allow ourselves the luxury of flying at a relatively low 
altitude, at the expense of a narrow swath. The results of the 
tests, if positive, would be used to develop a follow-on strategy 
including, potentially, a more appropriate design for operational 
4.1.2 System Description: The L-Band system is an 
adaptation of the TopoSAR system described in (Maune, 2007). 
The TopoSAR system previously supported simultaneous X- 
Band (HH, single-pass InSAR) and P-Band (quad-pol, repeat- 
pass InSAR). For purposes of this work, the TopoSAR digital 
infra-structure is used to support only the L-Band (22.6 cm 
wavelength) channels. The antennas, located at the ends of a 3.5 
meter rigid baseline, measure (HH,VV,HV,VH) in a pulse- 
sequential fashion. The design test altitude (1000m) was chosen 
to match the minimum S/N requirements (given the relatively 
modest power and antenna gain specifications for the available 
4.2 Ground Extraction Methodology 
4.2.1 The PolInSAR Model: We utilize the well-known 
Random Volume Over Ground (RVoG) Model (Treuhaft and 
Siqueira, 2000; Papathanassiou and Cloude, 2001) in which the 
projection of the observed complex coherences onto the unit 
circle represents the ground phase (Papathanassiou and Cloude, 
2001). This is expressed in Equation (4) as 
r (*) = exp(iA) ^ + m< ' W ^ (4) 
1 + m(w) 
in which (f)^ is the phase related to the ground topography, m is 
the effective ground-to-volume amplitude ratio (accounting for 
the attenuation through the volume) and W represents the 
observed polarization state. y v denotes the complex coherence 
for the volume alone (excluding the ground component), and is 
a function of the extinction coefficient cr for the random 
volume, its height h v and the vertical wavenumber Kz. 
(m=0), the observed coherence is given by the volume 
coherence, y v rotated through (f> 0 . These two limiting 
situations therefore determine the line geometry as shown in 
Figure 6. 
Two approaches are available to estimate the straight line: in 
the first, we create a number of W -dependent coherences based 
on lexicographic, Pauli and magnitude optimized coherences 
(Papathanassiou and Cloude, 2001) and find a regression line 
amongst them. In the second method we use a phase 
optimization approach (Tabb, et. al., 2002) which traces out the 
boundary of the coherence region and from which, if well- 
behaved, an ellipse is formed whose major axis represents the 
straight line solution. Using simulated data, the ground phase 
results for the two approaches are similar. However with repeat- 
pass data differences can be significant. Although it is a 
secondary objective in this work, the model is also inverted 
(Papathanassiou and Cloude, 2001) to extract canopy height. 
Figure 6. Phase optimization approach for topographic phase 
estimation: The green ellipse is the estimated coherence region. 
The straight line (blue dashed) passes through two ends of the 
coherence region. The ground topographic phase centre is 
estimated from one of the line-circle intersection points (red 
4.2.2 Design Implications: A fundamental parameter of the 
model is K 2 the vertical wavenumber, defined in Equation (5). 
On the one hand it determines the sensitivity of the derived 
height to changes in phase through h= (f) Q /K 2 . Secondly it 
impacts y v through the relationship K v = K 2 hJ2 and hence the 
overall coherence observed as well as the line length. From this 
perspective an optimum K 2 can be defined (Hellmann and 
Cloude, 2004) that is effectively ‘tuned’ to the canopy height. 
Given the baseline limitations in this work, an appropriate 
flying altitude, H is determined such that K v is optimized for 
tree heights in the 10-30m region. 
„ 47T B cos 6 
Kz ~ 
k H tgO 
The key point of interest for this application is the assumption 
that m is polarization dependent while y v is not. In particular, 
for large m, the straight line intersects the unit circle (Figure 6) 
and the associated phase at this point relates directly to the 
desired ground elevation. In the limit of no ground component 
4.2.3 Calibration: Both polarimetrie and interferometric 
calibration is required. The polarimetrie calibration uses a 
modified Quegan (Quegan, 1994) approach with trihedrals and 
forest data allowing for range-dependant imbalance and cross 
talk corrections, respectively, to be applied to each antenna.

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