Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
Fig. 13: TerraSAR-X Strip Map mode dual polarisation for oil 
spills monitoring 
3.4.3 Burned area mapping 
In this example, the analysis of TerraSAR-X images was 
realised by Apogee Imaging International (Fig. 14). 
Two StripMap images (7:30am and pm) have been acquired by 
TerraSAR-X over bushfires in Kangaroo Island (Australia). The 
images show the progression of the firefront in Vivonne Bay. 
The yellow circles highlight the two active fireffonts. The 
darkness of the area is caused by the defoliation and the 
reduction in moisture due to the fire. 
Fig. 14: TerraSAR-X StripMap mode for fire monitoring in the 
Kangaroo Island - @Apogee2007 
The TanDEM-X mission aims at generating a global Digital 
Elevation Model (DEM) with an extremely high accuracy 
corresponding to HRTI-3 specifications defined by the U.S. 
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). This goal will 
be achieved by means of a second SAR satellite TanDEM-X 
flying in a combined orbit with TerraSAR-X. Thus SAR image 
and DEM data will synchronously be available for the same site. 
Commercial exploitation of TanDEM-X will benefit mainly 
from the global high quality DEM product, the associated update 
services, and the generation of topographic base data (image and 
contour line maps). Further applications with commercial 
potential will be implemented, based on the applications research 
results (e.g. moving target detection, super resolution, 
differential InSAR based monitoring). 
The DEM quality domain that the TanDEM-X mission can 
provide is today dominated by offers based on airborne 
campaigns. There is currently no system or process available to 
provide a global service for HRTI-3 (z-accuracy better than 2 m) 
and in specific cases HRTI-4 (z-accuracy better than 1 m) DEMs 
with short response time. Those requirements of the important 
geospatial markets can only be fulfilled by globally operating a 
space-bome SAR system. Optical systems require cloud free 
weather conditions and therefore often fail to fulfil the global 
response time demand. Airborne systems lack in global mapping 
This paper demonstrates the benefit brought by TerraSAR-X on 
the development of a worldwide commercial EO-market. The 
satellite parameters, scientific and commercial products are 
highly described in order to show the variety of potential 
As illustrated, the very high resolution, the multi-polarization 
and multi-incidence angle capability of TerraSAR-X open very 
interesting perspectives for the mapping and monitoring of 
urban areas. It also provides new capabilities for thematic and 
topographic mapping, InSAR techniques and DEM generation. 
The high repeat cycle and TerraSAR-X timeliness are also an 
asset for disaster assessment and monitoring. 
TerraSAR-X, and at a later stage together with TanDEM-X, 
offers, with its complementary near-real time data acquisition 
capabilities, a whole new approach to the use of space-bome 
datasets for a wide variety of products and services. 
- A. Roth et al., “Geocoding of TerraSAR-X data”, Proc. 20th 
ISPRS Congress, Istanbul, Comm. 7, pp. 840-844, 2004. 
- N. Adam, et al., “First TerraSAR-X interferometry evaluation”, 
FRINGE 2007, Frascati, Italy 
APPENDIX - The Company Profile 
Launched in January 2001, Infoterra GmbH is a 100% owned 
subsidiary of EADS Astrium, Europe's leading space company. 
Infoterra was founded to prepare and conduct the commercial 
exploitation of TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X data services as 
well as system capacities. 
Infoterra was formed by spinning-off the 'Earth Observation 
Services' division of the former EADS Astrium GmbH, 
Germany, re-branding of the UK-based National Remote 
Sensing Centre Ltd., and the French ISTAR S.A. Infoterra 
GmbH has a about 120-strong team of highly skilled staff, 
including experts in cartography, photogrammetry, forestry, 
agriculture, geological exploration, environmental management, 
and telecommunications planning. In addition, Infoterra's staff 
is skilled in the development of systems software specific to the 
management of geographic data. Such a strong market-oriented 

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