A. Pothou 3 ’*, C. Toth c , S. K.aramitsos b , A. Georgopoulos 3
a Laboratory of Photogrammetry - (apothou, drag)
b Laboratory of Higher Geodesy -
School of Rural & Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
c Center for Mapping, The Ohio State University, 1216 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212 USA -
WG 1/2
KEY WORDS: Boresight misalignment, GPS, IMU, Direct Georeferencing, MMS, LiDAR, QA/QC
LiDAR systems are complex multi-sensory systems and include at least three main sensors: GPS, IMU navigation sensors, and the
laser-scanning device. High-performance integrated GPS/IMU systems provide the navigation solution for the LiDAR data
acquisition platform, and therefore, the proper calibration, including individual and inter-sensor calibration, is a must to achieve the
highest accuracy of the output data. Specifically regarding the boresight misalignment, the spatial relationship between the IMU
body frame and the LiDAR body frame is of high importance as it could be the largest source of systematic errors in airborne MMS,
and thus must be determined before the system can be effectively utilized. In this research, the feasibility of using urban areas for
boresight misalignment is investigated. In particular, the impact of the building shape, size, distribution, etc. on the performance of
the boresight misalignment process, is of interest. In this study, photogrammetrically restituted buildings were used as the reference
surfaces, called ‘building-positions’ or ‘reference-positions’. The influence of the number of ‘building-positions’ and their
distribution on the boresight’s misalignment parameter estimation is investigated and evaluated through QA/QC statistical tests.
LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging, also known as Airborne
Laser Scanning - ALS) is a highly automated and still rapidly
evolving technology, with excellent vertical accuracy of point
measurements. LiDAR has many benefits, and is quickly
becoming the prime technology for large-scale acquisition of
elevation data due to its capability to directly measure 3D
coordinates of a huge number of points. LiDAR systems are
complex multi-sensory systems including: GPS (Global
Positioning System), and IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit, also
known as INS Inertial Navigation System) navigation sensors,
and the laser-scanning device. Most of the new systems also
include a medium format digital camera to provide
conventional image coverage of the surveyed area. A variety of
highly specialized systems based on modem imaging sensors,
such as CCD cameras, LiDAR, and hyper/multi-spectral
scanners, have been developed in the last decade. LiDAR is
considered as a basic component of airborne Mobile Mapping
Systems (MMS) (for details see Bossier and Toth, 1995;
Schwarz et al., 1993; El-Sheimy et al., 1995). The proper
calibration of this MMS, including individual and inter-sensor
calibration, is a must to achieve the highest accuracy of the
output data. Particularly regarding the boresight misalignment,
the spatial relationship between the IMU body frame and the
LiDAR body frame is of high importance, as it could be the
largest source of systematic errors in airborne MMS, and thus,
must be determined before the system can be effectively
utilized (Burman, 2000). In most installations, the lever arms
between LiDAR/GPS/IMU sensors can be determined
separately by independent means, with good accuracy. In sharp
contrast, the determination of the boresight angles is only
possible in-flight once the GPS/IMU derived orientation
becomes sufficiently accurate (Skaloud and Lichti, 2006).
Despite several years of progress, the boresight estimation
between the LiDAR and IMU sensors is still heavily researched.
Baltsavias (1999) presents an overview of basic relations and
error formulas concerning airborne laser scanning. Also a large
number of publications report the existence of systematic errors
(Schenk, 2001; Filin, 2001). The solutions for dealing with and
eliminating the effect of systematic boresight misalignment
errors can be categorized into two groups. Techniques in the
first group are based on the introduction of a correction
transformation of the laser points to minimize the difference
between the corresponding LiDAR points and the ground truth;
for instance, Kilian et al. (1996), Pothou et al. (2007), use
surface patches while Csanyi and Toth, (2007) investigate the
achievable LiDAR data accuracy improvement using LiDAR-
specific ground control targets. This technique is frequently
called data driven. In contrast, the other group attempts to
rigorously model the system to recover the systematic errors
(Burman, 2000) and treats the discrepancies between
overlapping strips, including navigation and sensor calibration
errors, as orientation errors.
Since the ground surfaces are not always known, or at the
required accuracy level, preference has been given to
techniques which do not require a priori knowledge of the
surface (Toth and Csanyi, 2001; Toth et al., 2002). This
alternative solution is independent from ground control, and can
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