L.Lebègue, Ph. Kubik, D. Greslou, F. DeLussy, N. Theret
Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, 18 av. Edouard Belin 31401 Toulouse cedex, France
(laurent.lebegue, philippe.kubik, daniel.greslou, francoise.delussy, nicolas.theret)
Commission I, WG 1/1
KEY WORDS: Calibration, Image Quality, Guidance, Star
In-flight Image Quality calibration and performance assessment activities depend on specific acquisitions and, for some of them, on
dedicated guidance of the satellite platform. The operational constraints may be tedious during the commissioning phase. Moreover,
the length of the requested data collection may be conditioned by uncontrolled parameters such as climatic hazard. The new French
high resolution earth observing satellite Pleiades-HR will be launched at the beginning of 2010. A specific design and new
technologies have been embarked to provide great agility. These capabilities offer new methods to perform the image quality
activities. Two are described in this paper. The first one concerns the so-called AMETHIST method to compute the normalization
coefficients of the radiometric model. The second one uses the stars to measure the line-of-sight dynamic stability.
1.1 Pleiades-HR overview
PLEIADES is the highest resolution civilian earth observing
system ever developed in Europe. This imagery program is
conducted by the French National Space Agency, CNES. It is
the French part of the French-Italian ORFEO program which
also comprises COSMO-SkyMed, an Italian high-resolution
radar system. It will operate in 2010-2011 two agile satellites
designed to provide optical images to civilian and defence users.
Images will be simultaneously acquired in Panchromatic (PA)
and multi-spectral (XS) mode, which allows, in nadir
acquisition condition, to deliver 20 km wide, false or natural
coloured scenes with a 70 cm ground sampling distance after
PA+XS fusion. Coverage will be almost world-wide with a
revisit interval of 24 h for 2 satellites.
The Image Quality requirements were defined from users
studies from the different spatial imaging applications, taking
into account the trade-off between on-board technological
complexity and ground processing capabilities. The Pleiades-
HR satellites will benefit from technology improvements in
various fields which will allow achieving, at an affordable price,
performances once reserved to ambitious military spacecrafts.
The major constraints of weight and agility led to the
development of a highly compact satellite (about 1 ton weight),
to minimize the moments of inertia. The instrument is partly
embedded in a hexagonal shaped bus containing all equipment.
The attitude control system uses 4 fibre-optic gyroscopes and 3
star trackers to provide restitution accuracy compatible with the
system location specification of 12m for 90% of the products.
These attitude sensors are mechanically fixed on the telescope
support to minimize the thermo-elastic distortions. The satellite
orientation is ensured by 4 gyroscopic actuators.
1.2 Agility
Agility is a characteristic which allows the satellite to acquire
off-nadir targets rapidly in a large flight envelope, in order to
sequence numerous images. This agility is imposed by several
requirements stated by the users. For instance, a 100x100 km2
zone can be acquired by the satellite from the same orbit thanks
to a lateral multi-band coverage. As for stereoscopic capacities,
3 images from the same zone can be acquired in a single pass
with B/H lying between 0.1 and 0.5. For multi-targets, the time
between the end of an imaging segment and the start of the next
segment, including stabilization of the line-of-sight is specified
less than 10 seconds for an excursion of 10° and less than 26
seconds for an excursion of 60° from nadir viewing. Guidance
is mainly performed using roll and/or pitch steering (without
slow motion), but fine yaw steering has to be used to respect
the principle of acquisition set by the TDI device in the focal
©cnes ——
Figure 1 : The Pleiades-HR satellite
1.3 Image Quality activities
The assessment of the Image Quality and the calibration
operation will be performed by CNES Image Quality team
during the commissioning phase that will follow the satellite