Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
expanded along the plane, and the modified weight matrices are 
calculated by the orientation of the plane and the expanded 
error ellipse. In Equation 4, Xuvw is the modified variance- 
covariance matrix of the selected point on the plane, and the 
relationship between XYZ and UVW spaces is explained by the 
rotation matrix R, which is derived from plane equation 
parameters. As shown in Figure 5, the direction of W axis is 
parallel to the normal vector of the plane, and Mjj and M v are 
applied to the variance-covariance matrix to expand the error 
ellipse along the plane. At last, the modified weight matrix P is 
derived using the R and Zuvw matrices as shown in Equation 
4. The system calibration parameters are obtained by a least 
square adjustment procedure with the modified weight matrix. 
This approach is sequentially described using the flow chart in 
Figure 6. The main advantage of this procedure is having a 
single algorithm for simultaneously handling conjugate points 
and planar patches, if available. The limitation of this approach 
is its dependency on the presence of planar patches in the 
available data. 
Figure 5. Conjugate planar patches and expanded error ellipse 
p ' = &xyz) 1 = (R T I^uvw R ) 1 
7 u + M u 
a uv 
<7y + My 
a WU 
a W 
parameters). The next section outlines the optimal configuration 
of the control patches for a reliable estimation of the calibration 
parameters, while avoiding possible correlations among these 
2.4 Optimum Configuration of Planar Patches 
When using planar patches as alternative primitives, one should 
give attention to the optimum configuration of planar patches 
because that condition is the one that yields an accurate 
estimate of the parameters while avoiding any possible 
correlations among them. In general, we do not expect that 
significant errors exist in the directly measured spatial offsets 
between the GNSS/INS and laser scanner of a LiDAR system. 
However, if we can de-couple the spatial and rotational offsets 
relating these components, we can simultaneously estimate the 
angular and spatial bore-sighting parameters. For the control 
patches, the ideal configuration is shown in Figure 7.a, which 
illustrates orthogonal patches in the XY, XZ, and YZ planes. 
Unfortunately this situation is not realistic (i.e., it is not always 
guaranteed that such a configuration is available in a LiDAR 
data captured from an airborne system). 
A more realistic planar patch configuration is shown in Figure 
7.b. For this configuration, horizontal and sloping planar 
patches are used for the calibration process. It is important to 
have sloping planar patches with different aspects (e.g., some of 
the patches can be parallel to the X-axis while others are 
parallel to the 7-axis). 
To test the performance of this configuration together with the 
impact of the slope of such patches, we simulated a LiDAR 
strip using a linear scanner system at 1,500 m flying height with 
25 degree scan angle. The simulation process started with a 
surface model and system trajectory. Using such information, 
we produced synthetic LiDAR data including system raw 
measurement such as GNSS, INS, and laser scanner 
measurements, which were then used to estimate the bore 
sighting parameters. After preparing simulated LiDAR data, the 
discrepancies were analyzed to compare the original and re 
constructed surfaces using system parameters and raw 
Figure 7. Optimal (a) and realistic (b) planar patches for the 
LiDAR system calibration 
Figure 6. The calibration procedure using planar patches and 
modified weight matrices 
To ensure a reliable estimation of the system parameters, the 
utilized planar patches must represent sloping surfaces with 
different aspects (i.e., to avoid possible correlation among 
Figure 8 shows the accuracy of the reconstructed coordinates 
using the recovered bore-sighting parameters from well- 
distributed 5 control patches along the LiDAR swath with 
varying slopes.

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