Xiaoman Luo 8, b , Guoman Huang 8 , Lei Pang 8 , Zheng Zhao 8
a Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing, 100039
romanll21@hotmail.com, huang.guoman@163.com, panglei.mail@163.com, zhengzhaochina@163.com
b Beijing SPOT Image Co. Ltd
KEY WORDS: Airborne SAR, Image Matching, Radar Photogrammetry, Epipolar Geometry, Template Matching
Aerial photos are broadly used to generate the 4D(DEM, DOM, DLG, DRG) products in photogrammetry, but there are some
difficult areas where are usually rainy and cloudy, so in these areas optical image is hard to acquire. The airborne SAR has advantage
to solve this problem, and in order to generate 4D products from SAR image, the study of Radar photogrammetry becomes more and
more significant. This research is about airborne SAR image matching using similar corresponding epipolar line based on
photogrammetry theory. First the epipolar geometry of aerial photo is analyzed, second SAR image is done some preprocessing (such
as building pyramid-layered image and filter), third the image equation of stereo SAR is build to borrow optical method of epipolar
geometry, finally result resampling image is test for image matching. This research is the basic preparation for building the stereo
SAR, and makes the well technique foundation of generation 4D products.
4D products are the basic digital product for national
departments and various projects, which could offer lots of
information. Optical image is usually used to generate the 4D
products, but in some difficult areas, optical image is hard to
acquire due to the rainy and cloudy weather. As an effective
earth observation technique, Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is
being paid importance to and complementary to optical remote
sensing owing to its all-weather and all- time capability. There
are two important kinds of SAR platform: airborne SAR and
space-borne SAR. The airborne SAR can acquire data
according to requirement, and it’s more flexible than the
space-borne SAR, which could choose the imaging target in
pertinence. The resolution of the airborne SAR image is mostly
higher than that of space-borne SAR. The more important
characteristic is that it can offer the real time image for the
disaster prevention and military reconnaissance. In order to
generate 4D products from SAR image, the study of Radar
photogrammetry becomes more and more significant.
In the processing, the first step is to construct the stereo image
pair. So using an appropriate method of image matching is
Image matching is the process of transforming the different sets
of data which were acquired by the same or different sensors,
from the same or different viewpoint, from different
perspectives geometry into one coordinate system. In a whole,
like the traditional image registration methods, the means of
SAR image matching can be classified into two categories:
feature-based and intensity-based methods. Though the
intensity-based image matching costs much time to compute, it
is more reliable and it could keep the whole image information.
In order to enhance the search efficient, the similar
corresponding epipolar line method based on photogrammetry
theory is used in this paper.
the line where left or right photograph intersect with epipolar
plane[l] (the plane including photographic baseline and ground
point). According to the geometric definition of eqipolar line,
the corresponding image points must in corresponding epipolar
line. So it is more convenient to using corresponding epipolar
line to search the corresponding image points. But the
mechanism of the SAR imaging is different from the
photogrammetric imaging. The appearance of SAR image in
range direction is linear image, and in azimuth direction SAR
image lays over the whole strip, so the whole SAR image is
equal to multi-central projection linear array image which is
similar to the Linear Array Push-broom image. According to
the imaging equation of linear CCD Push-broom sensor, we can
build the SAR row-center projection equation [2].
Fig 1. Row-Center Projection
x t
° T
= xmJmJ
_Z-Z sl _
The eqipolar line is the basic concept of photogrammetry, it is