Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
be less than 0.1 times of the PRT for application of triggering 
the data acquisition, <T r < 25us is required. 
But for application of timestamping, the positioning error 
resulted by cr T should be less than 0.1 times of the baseline 
measurement error. We can know from formula (7) , cr T < 
263ns is needed. 
aT ~Yo a ‘ /V ” (7) 
GPS absolute time synchronisation is qualified to precisely 
timestamp and trigger the data acquisition events. For GPS 
receivers the uncertainty in absolute time is in the order of 
100ns, thus absolute time synchronization accuracy for DSS 
can reach 200ns. 
In this paper, we proposed a novel DSS using one passive 
satellite with a dual receive antenna(DRA) flying in formation 
with an already existing conventional SAR satellite. Based on 
analyse and simulations, accuracy requirements for baseline 
estimation and time & frequency synchronization are given. A 
method based on dual frequency GPS is introduced. Baseline 
estimation could be realized by dual frequency GPS receivers 
with 8mm accuracy(three axis). Pulse-Timing synchronization 
is realized by GPS PPS signal and frequency synchronization is 
realized by the STALOs synchronized by GPS-receivers which 
could provide good frequency accuracy and long term stability. 
In this way the highest possible coherency between Distributed 
SAR Satellites is ensured. The new method is simple and 
practical and, most importantly, very effective. Future work 
would include the impact of oscillator phase noise and practical 
method of reduction of relative phase noise for DSS. 
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TerraSAR-X - Analyses and Consequences, Proc. of IEEE 
IGARSS 2004, 20-24 September, Anchorage, Alaska. 
Matthias Weiß, Synchronisation of Bistatic Radar Systems, 
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2004. IGARSS 
'04. Proceedings. 2004 IEEE International Volume 3, 20-24 
Sept. 2004 Page(s):1750 - 1753 vol.3 
O. Montenbruck, J. Williams, T. Wang, G. Lightsey, 2005, 
Preflight Validation of the IGOR GPS Receiver for TerraSAR-X 
R. Kroes, O. Montenbruck, W. Bertiger, P. Visser, Precise 
GRACE baseline determination using GPS, GPS Solut, Vol. 9, 
pp. 21-31, 2005. 
Flechtner F. Relative baseline determination for a tandem SAR 
mission using GPS code and phase measurements^R] . 
GFZ( Geo Forschungs-Zentrum Potsdam) , Technical Note , 

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