The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008
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Table 1. Ranking of the analysed methods for generation of a
digital surface model
All following investigations were carried out with the resulting
digital surface model of modified versions of the two dynamic
programming algorithms - digital line warping and semi
global matching which becomes necessary due to the non-
epipolar geometry of the image pairs. So the programs have to
use directly the orbit and attitude information provided by the
corrected RPCs to avoid an intermediate resampling step to
epipolar geometry. Since the ground resolution of the satellites
is in the range of one meter the generated surface model in the
same resolution is rather rugged in comparison to surface
models from airborne camera or lidar data.
Occluded pixels for which no height can be determined will be
filled with the lowest neighbour value for visualization
purposes of the DSM and marked as undefined for further
processing if seen in none of the two stereo images.
Figure 5. Digital surface model calculated for a section of
600 m x 400 m from the Munich scene using the “dynamic
line warping” approach
3.3 Extracting the digital terrain model (DTM)
Using the DSM a digital terrain model describing the ground
can be derived. This is accomplished by calculating a
morphological erosion with a filter size of the maximum of the
smallest diameter of all buildings. This results in a height
image with every pixel representing the minimum height in
this area around the pixel. This approach already described in
(Weidner and Forstner, 1995) fails in cases of DSMs
containing outliers below the real terrain. Such values will
dominate the resulting DTM. So in our processing chain the
morphological erosion was replaced by a median filter
returning a rather low order value. After filtering an averaging
using the same filter size is applied to obtain a smoother DTM.
In the Munich scene shown above the DTM simply reduces to
a flat plane on street level. A more sophisticated example
using the Athens scene is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Sections 1000 mxlOOO m from the Athens scene,
left: DSM, right extracted DTM
3.4 Creating a normalized digital elevation model (nDEM)
Subtracting the DTM from the DSM gives a so called
normalized digital elevation model consisting of the height of
objects above the ground. In the Munich example the nDEM
looks quite identical to the DSM due to the fact that the DTM
is nearly flat in the shown area. In more hilly urban areas like
the section of the Athens scene shown in Figure 6 the
subsequent usage of an nDEM instead of the DSM becomes
more important. The relation between DSM, DTM and nDEM
is visualized in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Profile across DSM, derived DTM and calculated
nDEM for a section from the Athens scene (profile from the
hill in the upper center to the center of the image; Gray-Values
are arbitrary height units (parallaxes))
3.5 Creating true orthophotos
Thanks to the rather dense DSM, the RPCs from the original
imagery and the pansharpened multi-spectral stereo images it
is possible to derive true orthophotos. In the extracted DSM
pixels occluded in both stereo images were marked as