Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
Figure 1 Histogram of the residuals of the FNB DSM for the 
sub area Bern. 
For a visual evaluation of the differences we have chosen three 
examples. The shaded visualizations of the three different 
DSMs are shown in Figure2,Figure3 and Figure 4 The first 
example is the city of Bern. The FNB DSM contains the main 
structure of the roads and houses in the city. The NF DSM has 
no significant errors. With the FB combination we lost most of 
the structure and we have now also small peaks in the DSM 
which are blunders. Also the structure of the valley in Figure 3 
got lost nearly totally. This applies also for the mountainous 
area shown in Figure4 where the details of the mountains are 
still visible in the FN DSM, but not in the FNB DSM. 
Figure 2 Urban area: Shaded visualization of the FNB DSM (left), the FN DSM (middle) and the FB DSM (right). 
Figure 3 Valley area: Shaded visualization of the FNB DSM (left), the FN DSM (middle) and the FB DSM (right). 
Figure 4 Alpines area: Shaded visualization of the FNB DSM (left), the FN DSM (middle) and the FB DSM (right).

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