Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
Table 3 shows the effect of DEM resolution in generating ortho 
image. The differences in latitude and longitude between ortho 
images generated from 5m DEM and 2.5m DEM is negligible. 
The differences are of the order of a meter in Longitude and 
0.5m Latitude in respectively between ortho images derived 
from 10m DEM and 2.5m DEM. 
Figures 5a and 5b reveals that the maximum slope are falling in 
the category of 15°-25° and 25° - 40°. The aspect analysis, as 
shown in Figures 6a and 6b, reveals that the maximum aspect 
are falling in the South and north direction. 
Analysis of drainage network shows that there are not many 
differences in the number of higher order drainage. Only lower 
order drainages are getting affected by the DEM resolution size. 
As shown in table 4, there is a difference of 8, 4 and 1 in the 
number first order, second order and third order drainages 
The model accuracies at GCPs and check points were derived, 
by changing the number and distribution of GCPs. The 
planimetric and vertical accuracies were respectively 4.3m, 3.5 
and 3.1m in longitude, latitude and height by taking 10 GCPs 
and Polynomial order 2. There is an improvement in model 
accuracies also. The effect of DEM resolution on Ortho image 
accuracies show that enough care has to be taken in selecting 
DEM resolution while generating an ortho image. Mainly it 
depends on the type of applications in our hand. Terrain 
parameters such as slope, aspect, and drainage network were 
automatically extracted from DEM. Drainage network analysis 
shows the DEM resolution size affects the lower order 
drainages while varying the DEM resolution from 5m to 10m. 
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Authors express their sincere gratitude to Dr. R. R. Navalgund, 
Director, Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad for his keen 
interest and guidance. Authors are thankful to Dr. J. S. Parihar, 
Deputy Director RESA, Dr. Manab Chakraborty, Group 
Director GTDG and Dr. Ajai, Group Director MESG, Space 
Applications Centre for their valuable suggestions during the 
study. Authors are extremely happy to acknowledge the help of 
Mrs. Anjum Mahtab, Scientist National Remote Sensing 
Agency, Hyderabad and Mr. Nadeem Ahmad, Nirma University, 
Ahmedabad during the execution of work.

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