Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
2.2.2 Category and Definition 
The traffic network can be classified into there categories by its 
basic form: air traffic network, land traffic network and aquatic 
traffic network. Also it can be classified into two categories by 
its property: public traffic network and private traffic network. 
2.2.3 Land traffic network 
The land traffic network is composed of land traffic features. It 
includes railway network and roadway network. 
2.2.4 Railway network 
The railway network is composed of railway traffic features. It 
includes intercity railway features and inner-city railway 
features. Thereinto, inner-city railway includes subway and 
2.2.5 Roadway network 
The roadway network is composed of roadway traffic features. 
It includes Motor vehicle Roadway Network (MRN), Non 
motor vehicle Roadway Network (NRN), and Pedestrian 
roadway Network (PRN). 
2.2.6 Aquatic traffic network 
The aquatic traffic network is composed of aquatic traffic 
2.2.7 Air traffic network 
The air traffic network is composed of sky traffic features such 
as airline. 
2.2.8 Public traffic network 
The public traffic network is composed of public traffic features 
on which public vehicle travels. The physical traffic network it 
may be involved includes: the land traffic network, the air 
traffic network and the aquatic traffic network. 
2.2.9 Private traffic network 
The private traffic network is composed of private traffic 
features on which private vehicle travels. The physical traffic 
network it may be involved only includes: the land traffic 
network and the aquatic traffic network. 
2.2.10 Connectivity relationships between the traffic 
The figure 1 shows the connectivity relations between the traffic 
(1) The land traffic network and the aquatic traffic network are 
connected by seaport and dock; 
(2) The land traffic network and the air traffic network are 
connected by airport; 
(3) The railway network and the roadway network are 
connected by railway station, subway station and 
groundway station; 
(4) The public roadway network and the other roadway network 
are connected by bus stop. 
To meet the needs of the multi-mode navigation and more 
advanced navigation application, some principles for modeling 
the syncretic data are introduced as follows show to build the 
new style roadway network data model. 
(1) Categorizing the roadway traffic features by using the 
transport object allowed to travel on them as the criterion; 
(2) Every roadway traffic network is independent each other 
relatively, which can meet the needs of the navigation 
application based on it; 
(3) The superposition is allowed and as the connected area 
between the roadway traffic networks. 
The roadway network model built according to the above 
principles is called Syncretic Multi-layer Roadway network 
Model (SMRM). 
4.1 Transport object in the roadway network 
The transport object in the roadway network can be categorized 
(1) Motor vehicle; 
(2) Non-motor vehicle; 
(3) Pedestrian. 
4.2 Road feature category and definition 
The road feature in the roadway network maybe allows single 
kinds of transport to travel on, such as motorway/highway, 
which is only allowed the motor vehicle to travel on. It also 
maybe allows multi kinds of transport to travel on, such as 
general city road, which is allowed the motor vehicle, the non 
motor vehicle and the pedestrian to travel on. So, the roadway 
traffic features can be categorized by the transport object 
allowed to travel on them: 
(1) A type road: namely motor vehicle road, which is only 
allowed motor vehicle to travel on; 
(2) AB type road: namely vehicle road, which is allowed motor 
vehicle and non-motor vehicle to travel on; 
(3) AC type road: namely motor vehicle and foot road, which is 
allowed motor vehicle and pedestrian to travel on; 
(4) ABC type road: namely general road, which is allowed 
motor vehicle, non-motor vehicle and pedestrian to travel on; 
(5) B type road: namely non-motor vehicle road, which is only 
allowed non-motor vehicle to travel on; 
(6) BC type road: namely non-motor vehicle and foot road, 
which is allowed non-motor vehicle and pedestrian to travel 
(7) C type road: namely footway, which is only allowed 
pedestrian to walk on; 
4.3 Roadway network category and definition 
Logically, the roadway network can be categorized into three 
kinds as shows in figure 2: Motor vehicle Roadway Network 
(MRN), Non-motor vehicle Roadway Network (NRN), and 
Pedestrian roadway Network (PRN).

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