Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
(1) MRN: Composed of the entire road feature allowed motor 
vehicle to travel on. Includes A type, AB type, AC type and 
ABC type road. 
(2) NRN: Composed of the entire road feature allowed non 
motor vehicle to travel on. Includes B type, AB type, BC 
type and ABC type road. 
(3) PRN: Composed of the entire road feature allowed 
pedestrian to travel on. Includes AC type, BC type, C type 
and ABC type road. 
Figure 2: Roadway network model 
4.4 Connectivity relationships between the roadway 
As shows in figure 3, the roadway networks are connected by 
the superposition between them, such as general road. 
(1) The MRN and the NRN are connected by AB type and ABC 
type road; 
(2) The MRN and the PRN are connected by AC type and ABC 
type road; 
(3) The NRN and the PRN are connected by BC type and ABC 
type road. 
Figure 3: Connectivity relationships between the roadway 
A legible and feasible syncretic multi-layer roadway network 
model (SMRM) is built by the above categories, definitions and 
relationships of all the kinds of traffic feature. Each traffic 
network is independent. Also they are connected each other. 
The road feature database created based on this model can meet 
the needs of the simple navigation application (such as motor 
vehicle navigation, pedestrian navigation, non-motor vehicle 
navigation, and so on) effectively. It also can meet the needs of 
advanced complex navigation application (such as multi-mode 

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