The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008
The used satellite images have to be geo-referenced, this can be
made by geometric reconstruction of the imaging, using
orientation from the available metadata, improved by means of
control points. The satellite information about the sensor
orientation, based on GPS-positioning, gyros and star sensors is
also distributed as rational polynomial coefficients (RPC).
Approximate orientation procedures like 3D-affme
transformation and DLT should not be used because of limited
accuracy with basic images.
The application of 3D affine transformation (standard and
adding 4 unknowns) and the DLT for the Castelgandolfo image
gives accuracy much bigger than ground sampling distance
(GSD) in across track direction both in aft and in fore camera,
just when 10 unknowns in 3D affine are used the Root Mean
Square Error (RMSE) are equal to 2*GSD (Fig. 2). In the
satellite direction movement the worse accuracy is in aft image
with a gap when minimum points necessary are used in DLT
transformation (Fig. 3).
Cortosat - Comljandotfo &SÖ: 2.3 m MUSE CP in East component
Fig 2. RMSE at check points as function of the number of used
control points of 3D Affine and DLT transformations
[m] (East component)
Cartolar - Castilgandolfo 6SD: 2.5 m RMSE CP in North component
N* 6CP
Fig 3. RMSE at check points of 3D Affine and DLT
transformations [m] (North component)
2.1 Sensor Oriented Rational Polynomial Coefficients
The replacement model of sensor oriented RPC describes the
image coordinates I, J by the ratio of two 3 rd order polynomials
of the ground coordinates cp, X, h (Jacobsen 2008). The direct
sensor orientation without correction by control points is
limited approximately to a standard deviation of 70m (Jacobsen
et al 2008). This has to be improved by means of ground control
points, named also as bias correction.
In an iterative procedure the geometric relation of the image to
the 3D-ground coordinates is determined.
This needs a two-dimensional transformation to the control
points. Experiences showed the requirement of a two-
dimensional affine transformation, so for the 6 unknowns at
least 3 control points are required (Tab. 1).
Tab 1. RMSE at control points of bias corrected RPC
orientation [m]
2.2 Geometric Reconstruction
Since 2003, the research group at the Area di Geodesia e
Geomatica - Sapienza Università di Roma has been developing
a specific model, based on geometric reconstruction, designed
for the orientation of imagery acquired by pushbroom sensors
carried on satellite platforms. This model has been implemented
in the software SISAR (Software per Immagini Satellitari ad
Alta Risoluzione). The RPC (use and generation) and
orientation model of stereo pairs models are also implemented.
The model bases the imagery orientation on the well known
collinearity equations including sets of parameters (Tab. 2) for
the satellite position, the sensor attitude and the viewing
geometry (internal orientation and self-calibration).
The sensor attitude is supposed to be represented by a known
time-dependent term plus a 2nd order time-dependent
polynomial, one for each attitude angle; moreover a rotation
matrix in the Roll-Yaw plane is used for describe the canting
for the two camera: the Fore and the Aft cameras are canted at
+26° and -5° in the along track direction respectively (Crespi,
The atmospheric refraction is accounted by a general model for
remote sensing applications (Noerdlinger, 1999). The viewing
geometry is supposed to be modelled by the pixel size and two
self-calibration parameters, able to account for a second order
distortion along the array of detectors direction.
The approximate values of these parameters can be computed
thanks to the information in the metadata file and these have to
be corrected by a least square estimation process based on a
suitable number of GCPs.
Not all parameters described in Tab. 2 are really estimable;
actually, all the parameters related to the satellite position
together with (I 0 , Jo) are just computed according to the
metadata information.
Moreover, as regards the remaining parameters, a methodology
for the selection of the estimable ones is implemented in the
software SISAR (Giannone, 2006). This methodology is able to
avoid instability due to high correlations among some
parameters leading to design matrix pseudo-singularity; it is
based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and QR
decomposition, employed to evaluate the actual rank of the