Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B1-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bl. Beijing 2008 
in any case manually. By matching the neighboured points the 
geometric relations are improved before going to the next 
neighboured points. DPCOR is always following the path with 
the highest correlation coefficient up to the complete coverage 
of the stereo pair with corresponding points having a correlation 
coefficient above a chosen threshold. The threshold for 
Cartosat-1 images may be the correlation value of 0.6. Usually 
only a limited number of useful points is located below this 
limit. Of course if the area has no variation of the grey values, a 
matching is not possible (Fig. 7). 
Fig. 7: frequency distribution of correlation coefficient 
horizontal: frequency vertical: correlation coefficient - above 
r=0.0 below r=l .0 (Mausanne-left, Warsaw-right) 
Fig. 7 shows the frequency distribution of the correlation 
coefficients. In the Mausanne model the object contrast was 
limited because of the winter, so that the highest number of 
correlation coefficients is in the group r=0.90 up to 0.95, 
Warsaw in the class r=0.95 up to 1.0. In relation to other 
satellites, the matching with Cartosat-1 models is extremely 
successful. The overlay of the matched and accepted points to 
one of the scenes in figure 8 demonstrates the successful 
solution. In the Mausanne scene in some parts absolute no 
contrast was on the ground. In Warsaw slight snow coverage 
caused some problems (Fig.8). 
Regarding the stereo pair of Castelgandolfo the matching was 
really good (Fig. 9) and the not matched points are mainly due 
to the lakes and to the clouds, which cover together a big part of 
the images. In Fig. 9 the matched points distribution over the 
after image is shown on the left, and on the right the trend of 
the correlation coefficient (r) is represented using grey values 0 
for the r=0 and grey values 255 for r=l. 
Fig. 9: matched image points (left) and quality image (grey 
values correspond to correlation coefficient) of 
Fig. 10: frequency distribution of correlation coefficient 
In the open areas of Mausanne, the height model was even more 
precise than the accuracy estimated by means of the RMSE y- 
parallax (2.87m). Of course the generated DSM showing the 
height of the visible surface has to be filtered for objects not 
belonging to the bare ground because the reference DEM is 
related to this (Tab. 5). 
For Castelgandolfo’s scene the RMSE y-parallax of 4 million 
points was 1.79m, corresponding to a standard deviation of the 
height of 2.86m. 
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Fig. 8: overlay of matched points (white) to after scenes 
(Mausanne-left, Warsaw-right) 
For the Castelgandolfo stereo pair, based on the scene 
orientation obtained with the RPC generated from SISAR, and 
after the automatic image matching, the digital surface model 
has been generated using the Hannover software RPCDEM, and 
compared with a precise reference DSM extracted by aerial 
On the contrary Mausanne and Warsaw DSM have been 
extracted using the RPC supplied with the image. 
The reference aerial DSM covers an area of about 85km 2 in the 
centre of the scene, including forest parts and both open and 
urban areas. These result are satisfying considering that the area 
of interest is full of elements that do not belong to the bare 
ground (like trees or buildings). 
sz = 
no filter 
3.91 + 1.64*tan a 
yes filter 
3.17 + 3.14*tan a 
no filter 
3.16 + 1.19*tan a 
yes filter 
2.39 + 8.80*tan a 
no filter 
2.71+0.41 *tan a 
yes filter 
2.26+0.17*tan a 
no filter 
3.95+1.64*tan a 
yes filter 
3.27+1.91 *tan a 
Tab. 5: accuracy of Cartosat-1 height models checked by 
precise reference DEMs[m] preferred to open area, 
* deferred to urban area) (Jacobsen 2006)

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