Marco Gianinetto
Politecnico di Milano, Remote Sensing Laboratory, DIIAR Dept., Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy —
marco. gianinetto@polimi. it
Commission I, SS-11
KEY WORDS: Satellite remote sensing, Digital elevation models, Space photogrammetry, Accuracy analysis, Topographic
Cartosat-1 is the first Indian Remote Sensing satellite able to collect in-track high resolution stereo images with a 2.5m pixel size.
Since Cartosat-1 has no multispectral cameras, it was mainly developed for topographic mapping and Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
generation. In the framework of the Cartosat-1 Scientific Assessment Programme, the Politecnico di Milano University (Italy)
evaluated as Co-Investigator the performances of the Cartosat-1 satellite in the generation of DTMs from stereo-couples. This paper
describes in detail the outcomes for the Mausanne les Alpilles (France) test site, with respect to existing standards and products
actually used in France and also provides a comparison with the global Shuttle Radar Topography Mission’s DTM supplied by
NASA and widely used in the remote sensing community.
Cartosat-1 is the first Indian Remote Sensing (1RS) satellite able
to collect in-track high resolution stereo images with a 2.5m
pixel size. Since Cartosat-1 has no thematic capabilities (no
multispectral cameras), it was mainly developed for
topographic mapping and Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
At the beginning of 2006 an agreement has been reached
between the International Society for Photogrammetry and
Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and the Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO) to jointly conduct the Cartosat-1 Scientific
Assessment Programme (C-SAP), whose purpose was to
evaluate the Cartosat-1 mapping capabilities in the following
■ Photogrammetric stereo triangulation at scene level;
■ Photogrammetric stereo triangulation at block level
(multiple scenes);
■ Extraction of terrain features for topographic mapping;
■ DTM generation;
■ Topographic mapping.
Within the C-SAP framework, Politecnico di Milano University
(Italy) was selected as Co-Investigator for the French test site of
Mausanne les Alpilles (C-SAP TS5) and this paper describes
the outcomes of the investigation carried on in the assessment
of the DTM’s generation.
Results were compared with respect to existing standards and
products actually used in France (i.e., the French Institut
Géographique National’s and Spot Image’s Reference 3D®).
Moreover, the investigation also provided a comparison with
the global Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) DTM
supplied by NASA and widely used in the remote sensing
community (Van Zyla, 2001).
Imagery collected with Cartosat-1 were used for the generation
of: i) high-resolution DTMs (from 2.5m to 10m grid cell size),
ii) medium-resolution DTMs (25m grid cell size), and iii) low-
resolution DTMs (90m grid cell size) using commercial off-the-
shelf software. This choice was made to provide to the remote
sensing users a comprehensive study about the potentialities
and limits of the Cartosat-1 image processing using standard
image processing software.
2.1 Test site
Mausanne les Alpilles sits in the hart of Provence (France), in
the triangle of Arles, Avignon and Marseille. An area of about
650 km 2 of overlap between the Cartosat-1 images and the
reference DTMs has been selected as test site (upper left:
4,854,403m N, 633,411m E; lower right: 4,835,486m N,
655,172m E). Here the elevation ranges from 47m in the south
west to 633m in the north-east and the territory presents a
mixture of rural areas (60%), green forest (35%) and urban
areas (5%).
2.2 C-SAP dataset composition
The standard C-SAP TS5 dataset was composed of the
■ One 2.5m Cartsat-1 stereo pair collected over
Mausanne les Alpilles on January 31, 2006
(Path=0127, Row=0198), provided by ISRO (Figure
■ A set of 32 high precision Ground Control Points
(GCPs), provided by the Principal-Investigator (PI)
European Commission-Joint Research Centre (EC-
JRC). Figure 2 shows the GCPs distribution on the
study area;
■ A high-resolution DTM (ADS40 DTM) with 2m grid
cell size and produced using a Leica ADS40 digital
camera, provided by the PI EC-JRC (Figure 3).