Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

H. Arefi (a) , J. Engels (a) , M. Hahn (a) and H. Mayer (b) 
Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Stuttgart, Germany 
(hossein.arefi, johannes.engels, michael.hahn)@hft-stuttgart.de 
(b) Bundeswehr University Munich, Munich, Germany 
Commission III, WG 4 
KEY WORDS: LIDAR, Geodesic Morphology, Building Reconstruction, 3D Modeling, Ridge Line, Approximation, Minimum 
Bounding Rectangle, RANSAC, Hough Transform 
3D models of buildings are useful for many applications such as urban planning and environmental simulation, cartography, tourism 
and mobile navigation. Automatically generating building models in the form of 3D CAD representation is the major part of city 
modeling and a challenge for many researchers. Airborne laser-scanning (ALS) results into high-quality geometrical information about 
the landscape. It is suitable for the reconstruction of 3D objects like buildings because of its high density and geometrical accuracy. 
In this paper a novel approach is proposed for automatically generating 3D building models based on definition of Levels of Detail 
(LOD) in the CityGML standard. Three levels of detail are considered in this paper. In the first LOD (LODO), the Digital Terrain 
Model extracted from LIDAR data is represented. For this purpose the Digital Surface Model is filtered using geodesic morphology. 
A prismatic model containing the major walls of the building is generated to form the LODI. The building outlines are detected by 
classification of non-ground objects and the building outlines are approximated by two approaches; hierarchical fitting of Minimum 
Boundary rectangles (MBR) and RANSAC based straight line fitting algorithm. LOD2 is formed by including the roof structures into 
the model. For this purpose, a model driven approach based on the analysis of the 3D points in a 2D projection plane is proposed. A 
building region is divided into smaller parts according to the direction and the number of ridge lines, which are extracted using geodesic 
morphology. The 3D model is derived for each building part. Finally, a complete building model is formed by merging the 3D models 
of the building parts and adjusting the nodes after the merging process. 
3D building reconstruction is a challenging problem addressed 
by many researchers. Since airborne LIDAR data appeared as a 
new data source in remote sensing and photogrammetry many at 
tempts were made to model buildings using LIDAR data. LIDAR 
combined with aerial images was e.g., used for building recon 
struction by (Haala and Anders, 1997, Rotensteiner and Jansa, 
2002). The LIDAR data is employed for segmentation of pla 
nar faces and the aerial image is involved to improve the quality 
of edge segments. The combination of LIDAR data and existing 
ground plans was e.g., proposed by (Vosselman and Dijkman, 
2001). They employed two strategies for building reconstruction. 
The first strategy is based on detection of intersection lines and 
height jump edges between planar faces. In second strategy, a 
coarse 3D model is refined by analyzing the points that do not 
fit well to the coarse model. The first approach which used only 
LIDAR data for building reconstruction was presented by (Wei- 
dner and Forstner, 1995). They mainly used two types of models; 
simple parametric models for buildings with rectangular ground 
plans and prismatic models for complex buildings. (Maas, 1999) 
developed another model driven approach based on analysis of 
invariant moments of the segmented regions to model buildings 
in LIDAR image. He assumes that buildings consist of certain 
structures such as gable roofs. A prismatic building model based 
on edge detection is extracted in (Alharthy and Bethel, 2002). 
However, the algorithm is devised for buildings with rectangular 
shapes and flat roofs only. A segmentation based approach is pro 
posed by (Rottensteiner and Briese, 2002) to find planar regions 
which figure out a polyhedral model. Another segmentation ap 
proach that uses a TIN structure for the LIDAR surface model 
is proposed by (Gorte, 2002). Segments are created by iterative 
merging triangles based on similarity measurements. Finally, the 
segmented TIN structures are transformed into a VRML model 
for visualization. 
In this paper a new method is proposed for generating 3D build 
ing models in different levels of detail. They follow the standard 
definition of the City Geography Markup Language (CityGML) 
described in (Kolbe et al., 2005). The CityGML defines five lev 
els of detail for multi-scale modeling: LODO - Regional model 
contains 2.5D Digital Terrain Model, LODI - Building block 
model without roof structures, LOD2 - Building model includ 
ing roof structures, LOD3 - Building model including detailed 
architecture, LOD4 - Building model including interior model. 
Algorithms for producing the first three levels are explained in 
this paper. According to above categorization, the first LOD cor 
responds to the digital terrain model. An approach based on the 
filtering of the non-ground regions uses geodesic reconstruction 
to produce the DTM from LIDAR DSM (Arefi and Hahn, 2005, 
Arefi et al., 2007b). The LODI level contains a 3D representa 
tion of buildings using prismatic models, thus the building roof is 
approximated by a horizontal plane. Two techniques are imple 
mented for approximation of the detected building outline which 
are hierarchical fitting of Minimum Bounding Rectangles and 
RANSAC based straight line fitting and merging (Arefi et al., 
2007a). To form the third level of detail (LOD2), a projection 
based approach is proposed for reconstructing a building model 
with roof structures. The algorithm is relatively fast, because 
the 2D data are analyzed instead of 3D data, i.e. lines are ex 
tracted rather than planes. The algorithm begins with extracting 
the building ridge lines. According to the location and orientation 
of each ridge line one parametric model is generated. The mod 
els of the building parts are merged to form the complete building 

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