Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

Masafumi NAKAGAWA*, Eisuke ADACHI, Ryuichi TAKASE, Yumi OKAMURA, 
Yoshihiro KAWAI, Takashi YOSHIMI, Fumiaki TOMITA 
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 1-1-1, Umezono, Tukuba-city, Ibaraki, Japan - 
(m.nakagawa, e-adachi, r-takase, y.okamura, y.kawai, tak-yoshimi, f.tomita)@aist.go.jp 
Commission DI, WG m/4 
KEY WORDS: Active stereo camera, Object recognition, Segment based image matching, Gaze control, Real time processing, 3-D 
spatial data, Versatile Volumetric Vision 
The full automation of 3-D spatial data reference and revision requires spatial registration between existing spatial data and newly 
acquired data. In addition, it must be able to recognize an object’s shapes and behaviors. Therefore, the authors propose a real-time 
gaze tracking system capable of 3-D object recognition, in which an active stereo camera recognizes 3-D objects without markers. 
The real-time gaze tracking system was developed, and scenario-based experiments with the system were conducted. The results 
confirmed that our system could gaze and track moving objects successfully. Moreover, the proposed system achieves high-resolution 
3-D spatial data acquisition and recognition, relative object behavior detection, and wide range covering. 
1.1 Background 
Recently, semi automated procedures have been developed to 
achieve low-cost data handling in the field of 3-D Geographic 
Information Systems (GIS), such as 3-D urban data generation, 
3-D urban data revision, and Intelligent Transport Systems. 
These procedures should be improved from semi automation to 
full automation for real-time data processing of real-time data. 
The full automation of 3-D spatial data reference and revision 
requires spatial registration between existing spatial data and 
newly acquired data. In addition, it must be able to recognize 
an object’s shape and object’s behavior. 
The optical flow algorithm is one of the traditional approaches 
to the detection of moving objects [1][2][3][4], However, this 
approach has difficulty recognizing moving objects in images 
that contain occlusions, mainly because of the shortage of 3-D 
spatial information. 
An image sensor has the advantage of high-speed data 
acquisition [5]. However, when a single camera makes an orbit 
around an object, the camera restricts available objects to 
simple shapes such as points and spheroids. 
The Laser Identification Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is 
also an effective sensor for detecting objects [6]. However, the 
low resolution of LIDAR requires manual registration for 
object recognition [7]. 
In addition, self-position estimation requires continuous 3-D 
information in a wide range environment. Usually, a fisheye 
camera has been used to acquire the wide range information [8]. 
However, the resolution of the camera is insufficient for 
generating precise 3-D spatial data. 
1.2 Objective 
The full automation of 3-D spatial data reference and revision 
requires the following capabilities to achieve spatial 
registration between existing spatial data and newly acquired 
high-resolution 3-D spatial data acquisition and 
recognition using image sensors without markers 
relative object behavior detection using temporal data, and 
wide range covering by a combination of camera 
translations and rotations 
For local area surveys such as aerial photogrammetry from 
low-altitude flight, the authors believe that an active stereo 
camera is a suitable sensor for satisfying the above 
requirements. However, a gaze tracking procedure is necessary 
to realize the advantages of the active stereo camera. Therefore, 
we have developed a spatial registration system using an active 
stereo camera. In addition, a real-time gaze tracking system 
without markers is proposed in this research. 
Here, we describe two cases of the gaze tracking procedures. 
The first case is gaze tracking with known 3-D models such as 
existing 3-D urban data. When 3-D data have been prepared for 
an area, they can be used as reference data for the gaze tracking 
procedure. The known 3-D model could possibly have been 
prepared as a CAD model, generated via manual operations. 
Alternatively, the known 3-D model could be generated via a 
stereo matching procedure. 
The second case is a gaze tracking without a known 3-D model. 
When no 3-D data has been prepared for an area, reference data 
must be prepared then and there, to be able to conduct the gaze 
tracking procedure. 
This leads to three scenarios, described as follows. 
Scenario 1: Camera positioning via a known 3-D model. 
The gaze tracking procedure is performed with a known 3-D 
model such as a CAD model (e.g. change detection by use of 
existing 3-D GIS data, such as camera positioning for 
autonomous robots).

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