Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3b. Beijing 2008 
Figure 3 shows the absolute and relevant execution times per 
frame of the basic modules of the ATUs. The particular times 
have been acquired by applying the non-parametric modelling 
method, working under grid mode. The background extraction 
module is the most crucial one as the computational cost of 
such methods is typically large, causing problems for real-time 
systems. Therefore, many experiments have been conducted in 
order to provide both a qualitative and a computational 
evaluation of these methods. 
The final output of each ATU is a small set of parameters 
(ground coordinates, classification, reliability), which is 
transmitted to the SDF server through wired or wireless 
transmission. If the foreground map fusion technique is used, a 
greyscale image is provided at each polling cycle, indicating the 
probability for each pixel to belong to the foreground. 
All these data are transmitted through wired or wireless IP 
connection to the server which performs observation fusion and 
target tracking. TCP protocol is used for transmission of the 
data from the ATUs to the central server whereas UDP is used 
for remote controlling of the ATUs. As an indicator, the 
bandwidth used per ATU when operating under the map fusion 
mode with a frame rate of 3fps is about 192Kbps (3fps x 
The system requires frame synchronisation and constant frame 
rate of all ATUs, which are achieved by using the Network 
Time Protocol (NTP). The system’s clocks synchronise to the 
central server’s clock and a appointment time technique (Litos, 
2006) is implemented to ensure that frames from all cameras 
are captured at the same instant despite network latency. 
A secondary system based on media server software streams 
video on demand to the central server in order to enable human 
visual monitoring of the scene. As an alternative, compressed 
motion JPEG images (JPEG 2000) can be used for streaming. 
The SDF Server collects information from all ATUs using a 
constant polling cycle, produces fused estimates of the position 
and velocity of each moving target, and tracks these targets 
using a multi-target tracking algorithm. It also produces a 
synthetic ground situation display (Figure 4), collects statistical 
information about the moving targets and provides alerts when 
specific situations (e.g. accidents) are detected. 
Figure 4: SDF window with 3 targets on the airport APRON 
5.1 Data fusion 
A target present simultaneously in the field of view of multiple 
cameras will result in multiple observations due to the fact that 
the blob centres of the same object in two different cameras 
correspond to close but different 3-D points. Two techniques 
are proposed for grouping together all the observations that 
correspond to the same target: 
5.1.1. Grid-based fusion 
A grid that separates the overlap area (in world coordinates) in 
cells is defined. Optimal values for the cell size are determined 
considering the application requirements (e.g. maximum 
distance between vehicles). Each observation is assigned two 
index values (j x J ) that indicate its position on the grid: 
O'*0 y ) = (K - X s ]modc,[y w - y s ]modc) (2) 
where X s , y s = world coordinates of the top left comer of the 
overlap area 
X w , y w = world coordinates of the camera level 
C = cell size 
Observations belonging to the same cell or to neighbouring 
cells are grouped together to a single fused observation. 
To implement this technique the grid is expressed as a binary 
image: cells that have at least one assigned observation are 
represented by a white pixel, while those with no observations 
are represented by a black pixel. A connected component 
labelling algorithm is then used to identify blobs in this image, 
each corresponding to a single moving target. 
Fused observations are produced by averaging the parameters 
of the observations that belong to each group. More specifically, 
each fused observation consists of an estimated position of the 
world coordinates, an uncertainty matrix as well as a 
classification probability matrix. 
The position and uncertainty matrices ( Z , R ) of the fused 
observation are given by the following equations: 
r=(£ r /v <3) 
Z = Rf>;X 
where Z w = the position (in world coordinates) of the n-th 
observation in a group of N 
R n = uncertainty matrix of the n-th observation in a 
group of N 
To calculate the average classification vector, the uncertainty of 
each observation is taken into account. In this case the larger of

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