Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

Sb. Beijing 2008 
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3b. Beijing 2008 
le input segmen- 
ome objects that 
ne algorithm op 
tion of different 
i Segmentation- 
ulti-scale image 
)p. 12-23. 
satellite imagery 
ipósio Brasileiro 
[., 1996. Spring: 
ented data mod- 
., Monteiro, A., 
TerraLib: Tech- 
op Brasileiro de 
. A new process 
ensing imagery, 
pp. 4991-5001. 
lontemayor, A., 
irough effective 
euristic. Pattern 
Figure 8: Image re-segmentation: a) regions superimposed on the image, b) some regions connected in the RAG, c) final re 
topological spa- 
ical Information 
'004. The Im- 
id Applications, 
telligence 26(1), 
efficient Graph- 
lal of Computer 
■■ormai Basis for 
Paths. Systems 
4(2), pp. 100- 
id Saint-Lo, F., 
Dn of color im- 
)3. Proceedings. 
s segmentation: 
^tional Science 
>r color images.

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