N. Fukaya a *, T. Anai a , H. Sato a , N. Kochi a , M. Yamada a , H. Otani b
a Imaging Laboratory, R&D Center, Topcon Corporation, 75-1 Hasunuma Itabasi Tokyo, Japan
-n fukaya@topcon .co.jp
b Surveying Instruments Div, Topcon Corporation, 75-1 Hasunuma Itabasi Tokyo, Japan
KEYWORDS: Orientation, Video, Adjustment, Tracking, Bundle, Exterior, Algorithms
Nowadays, the 3-D measurement system using the video image sequences has been used in many fields, for example the vision
sensor for machine control or the measurement technique of city area for GIS or landscape simulation. However, the robust
estimation of the exterior orientation parameters for each video frames is still important issues. In recent years, the authors have been
concentrating for development of 3D measurement system using video image sequences with robust tracking and robust exterior
orientation. However, some problems should be resolved for this systems goal, such as limitation for camera movement, robustness
of bundle adjustment. Therefore, the authors are developing the new algorithm of robust exterior orientation for video image
sequences using robust regression procedure. In this paper, authors describe the effectiveness of robust exterior orientation method
for video image sequences which developed by authors. Moreover, application for 3D measurement of this algorithm is also
In order to perform the 3D measurement using video image
sequences from the platform moving freely, the technique of
exterior orientation for each video frame is still important issue.
In the field of general photogrammetry, the exterior orientation
is performed using many control points that have accurate 3D
coordinate. In addition, the position and rotation sensor such as
GPS or gyro sensors are used in the real-time application field
of 3D measurement from video image sequences recently.
However, the construction of accurate control point generally
needs a lot of time and labor. In the case of GPS, the accuracy
of positioning is depending on GPS satellite position and
condition of the environment, and the positioning at inside of
structure is particularly impossible. Similarly, the high accurate
gyro sensor’s cost is still expensive. In addition, high accurate
synchronization in time axis between these sensors and video
camera is necessary, and it becomes the rise in size or cost of
From these backgrounds, automatic estimation technique of the
exterior orientation parameters from video image sequences
without using the above-mentioned equipments has become
important issue in late years, and many research groups had
shown the studies and applications [l,2,3 7
On the other hand, the authors have developed PC-based 3D
Image Measuring Station called PI-3000, and many applications
of 3D measurement using consumer digital still cameras have
been achieved previously. This system can estimate the interior
orientation parameters of consumer digital still camera
accurately. Furthermore, this system can perform bundle
adjustment with many images simultaneously. Therefore,
exterior orientation parameter of camera and 3D coordinate of
object can be obtained in high accuracy [4,5 \
From circumstances mentioned above, the authors have been
concentrating for development of the 3D measurement system
using consumer video camera with robust tracking and robust
exterior orientation method. In this method, in order to perform
the automatic rejection for error correspondences of natural
feature points in each video frames, tracking process and
relative orientation process in exterior orientation procedure
performed robust regression based on the LMedS (Least
Median of Square) method. However, in this exterior orientation
procedure, there is a limitation for movement of a camera
because of the limit of relative orientation procedure. In
addition, the robustness of relative orientation is insufficient
when there is the big change of the scene such as the structure
comer [6] .
Therefore, in order to resolve these problems, the authors are
developing the new algorithm of robust exterior orientation for
video image sequences.
In this paper, authors describe the effectiveness of algorithms of
robust exterior orientation for video image sequences, and
application for volume measurement from video image
sequences is also described.
2.1 Main Flow of Exterior Orientation Procedure
The exterior orientation procedure in this system consists of the
tracking process and bundle adjustment process. The tracking
process performs the extraction of natural feature points from
video image sequences and tracking the natural feature points.
As the result of tracking process, corresponding points in each
video frames are obtained. Finally, bundle adjustment for all