Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVIJ. Part Bib. Beijing 2008 
this set of points will result a lot of outliers. The bottom image 
uses SIFT operator to extract points which are almost on the 
main building. We don’t need a pre processing step compared 
with using Harris operator. Points extracted by SIFT are highly 
distinctive. This is because the SIFT operator takes advantage 
of scale-space extrema detection, and detected points are local 
extrema with respect to both space and scale. 
2.2 Computation of fundamental matrix 
The fundamental matrix expresses the geometry structure 
between two views. The general method needs at least 8 
corresponding points, m i <r-> m' j , to solve linearly matrix F 
which satisfies the condition fn' j Fm j = 0 . With more than 8 
pairs of points, a least-squares approach minimizes the cost 
function in equation (1) 
As described in (Hartley, 2000) and (Marc, 2004), we can 
recover the structure of scene and the motion of camera from 
single or multi-view. In this paper we consider multi-view. The 
critical problem of reconstruction model in multi-view is to find 
corresponding features in the images. In a complex man-made 
scene, even advanced point extracting algorithm like Scale- 
invariant feature transform (SIFT) (Lowe, 2004) still induce a 
lot of wrong matches. In such case, a traditional least-squares 
based approach will fail to compute the fundamental matrix. 
Therefore a robust method is needed. 
2.1 Feature extraction and matching 
Typical point extraction and matching approaches make use of 
the Harris operator to extract comer points in multi-view 
separately and then compare them with an intensity constraint 
using dissimilar measurement, e.g. sum-of-square-differences 
(SSD) or zero-mean normalized cross-correlation (ZNCC). 
These measurements are invariant to image translation and are 
difficult to choose measuring window size especially in 
repeated or deficient texture region. Therefore we need an 
advanced approach like SIFT to cope with large variations in 
camera pose. 
C(F) = £ (d(m', Fmj + d(m,F T m'f) 
When the outliers are more than 50%, the least-squares 
approach will fail. We use a well-developed 
estimation method, RANdom Sample Consensus 
(RANSAC) (Fischler, 1981), to detect outliers. The 
results before and after outliers deleting are shown 
Figure.3. Each figure is superimposed by two views, and the 
two end points of each red line in the figure denote a 
corresponding point pair.

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