The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3b. Beijing 2008
Movement of the camera results in recording different images.
In principle, reconstructing an image in the new camera
position is possible from the previous image by knowing the
movement of the camera and the distance of an object in the
scene to the camera.
Using wrong transformation parameters between two images,
results in a transformed image that is not oriented in the same
way as the reference image. The first image is the reference
image and the second one the candidate image which should be
registered to the reference one. The mismatch can be visualized
by differences between the reference image and the transformed
candidate image. The Mean Square Error (MSE), is used to
express the misalignment between the transformed image and
the reference one. The optimized transformation parameters are
those that provide the maximum agreement between the
reference and transformed candidate image.
Consequently, the transformation parameters are the ones where
the difference between the transformed image and the reference
image is minimal. In other words, the transformation parameters
are obtained by minimization of the MSE between the
transformed image and the reference image.
2.1 Transformation Parameters
In this paper a projective model without shearing and different
scale parameters is used as a transformation model on the
calibrated images (Heikkila, 1997; Zhang, 1999). This model
can be described by:
Searching the whole parameter space for finding the optimum
value is computationally very expensive. The complexity is
°<n", ) with n pi the number of all possible values for each
parameter, p h and no the number of parameters. In our case the
search space is 6-dimensional. One could imagine the real
number, M , as the search range for each parameter. However,
not every combination of parameters is allowed. Each
parameter has a certain range beyond which the transformed
image is meaningless. Moreover, for each parameter there is a
resolution value such that within the resolution value the
transformed images are equal. Although incorporating range
and resolution of parameters reduces the search space, still the
number of potential parameters is quite high.
2.2 Differential Evolution
Therefore, we have applied a global optimization technique.
Here Differential Evolution (DE) (Price et al., 2005) is used to
find the global optimum.
DE starts with an initial population of q randomly (McKay et al.
1979) chosen parameter value combinations m. These m’s are
improved during successive generations of constant size q, in
the sense that a descendant replaces an m, becoming its
successor, if it has a lower energy value. The distinctive feature
of DE is the way in which these descendants are created.
Various ways to generate new m’s exist, but here only the
following procedure is considered. At the start of generation k
the parameter vectors m kl ,...,m k-q are given and for each of
them a descendant is created. To create a descendant d k>j a
partner p k-i is constructed as follows:
X, =
F, =
scos(û)x 2 + ssin(0)y 2 +t ]
v l x 2 +v 2 y 2 +\
-ssin^jx, + s cos(0)y 2 +t 2
) = 111
k,i k,j t
+ F(m
, -m, )
k J 2 k ’h '
V ,^2 + V 2-V 2 + 1
S, 0, tj, t 2 , v/, and v 2 are respectively scale, rotation,
translational and special projective parameters, xj and y I are
image coordinates of the first image and x 2 and y 2 are the image
coordinates for the second image. All the image coordinates are
given w.r.t. the center of the image at hand. As a consequence
our parameter space is six dimensional. Each point in parameter
space is a parameters’ combination which corresponds to a
transformed image and therefore to an energy value.
The Mean Square Error (MSE) is used as an energy function:
with the three different m-vectors chosen at random from the
population and F a scalar multiplication factor between 0 and 1.
The descendant d ki j of m k j results from applying crossover to
m ki and p k q with crossover probability pc. A higher value of pc
leads (on average) to more dimensions of p k-i being copied into
m k>i . Descendant d k i only replaces m ki , becoming its successor,
if its energy is lower. The setting parameters of DE are
population size q, multiplication factor F, crossover probability
pc and the number of generations NG. The values chosen for
the setting parameters are used according to (Snellen and
Simons, 2007).
Two types of image registration occur in our data sets:
registration between consecutive images and registration
between an arbitrary image to the reference image. There is a
high correlation between image frames because of the
helicopter hovering to keep the viewing area fixed. However,
shaking of the helicopter causes a drift. This movement can be
enhanced by increasing temporal differences. The small
movement between consecutive frames and the high correlation
between image frames direct us to the design a framework for
the registration of two arbitrary images to avoid excessive
computations. A final result of this framework, after applying it
to all available frames is a stabilized image sequence. The
framework is summarized as follows:
1. compute Tj+ij, the transformation between I i+! and /,
2. compute T j+n = 7^7} the estimated transformation
between Im and 11