The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3b. Beijing 2008
points with fixed interval. Each sample point would be treated
as an observation in the LSMDF to solve the plane parameters
as optimal fit. Fig. 4 depicts the flowchart of the plane fitting.
Figure 4. The flowchart of plane fitting.
the distance djj represents a discrepancy between a sample point
Tjj and its corresponding edge v m v„, which is expected to be
zero. Therefore, the objective of the fitting function is to mini
mize the squares sum of d^. Suppose an edge is composed of
the vertices v m (x m , y„) and v„(x„, y n ), and there is an edge pixel
Tfxy, y-j) located inside the buffer. The distance d l} from the
point Tjj to the edge v m v n can be formulated as the following
__ \(y m -y n ) x ij + ( x n -xJy» + (y n x m ~I
J( x m ~ x J 2 +(y m -yj 2 (1)
The coordinates of vertices v m (x m , y m ) and v„(x„, y„) are func
tions of the unknown plan parameters. Therefore, d t j will be a
function of the plan parameters. Taking a box model for in
stance, d^ will be a function of w, /, a, dX, and dT, with the hy
pothesis that a normal building rarely has a tilt angle (t) or
swing angle (s). The least-squares solution for the unknown pa
rameters can be expressed as:
'Ldif = E[Fy ( w, /, a, dX, dF)] 2 -* min. (2)
Eq.(2) is a nonlinear function with regard to the unknowns, so
that the Newton’s method is applied to solve for the unknowns.
The nonlinear function is differentiated with respect to the un
knowns and becomes a linear function with regard to the in
crements of the unknowns as follows:
OF. dF„ dF,
(—^) 0 A dY + (—Mo A dZ + (-i-) 0 Aa
odY odZ da
Since the model has been manually fit, the bottom edges of the
wireframe model should be close to the building’s boundary on
the map. Benefited from the approximate fitting, the LSMDF
iteratively pulls the model to the optimal fit instead of blindly
searching for the solution. To avoid the disturbance of irrelevant
sample points, only those points distributed within a specified
buffer zone are adopted for fitting calculation. Figure 5 depicts
the sample point 7^ and a w bu ff er wide buffer determined by an
edge v m v„ of the model. The suffix i is the index of edge line L,
and j is the index of sample points. Filtering edge pixels with
buffer is reasonable, because the discrepancies between the bot
tom edges and the corresponding sample points should be small,
as the model parameters have been fit approximately. Ffowever,
the buffer size has to be carefully chosen because it will di
rectly affect the convergence of the computation.
in which, Fyo is the approximation of the function Fy calculated
with given approximations of the unknown parameters. Given a
set of unknown approximations, the least-squares solution for
the unknown increments can be solved, and the approximations
are updated by the increments. Repeating this calculation, the
unknown parameters can be solved iteratively.
The linearized equations can be expressed as a matrix form:
V=AX-L, where A is the matrix of partial derivatives; X is the
vector of the increments; L is the vector of approximations; and
V is the vector of residuals. The objective function actually can
be expressed as q=V T V^-min. For each iteration, X can be
solved by the matrix operation: X=(A T A)' , A T L. The standard
deviation of each increment can also be calculated as the accu
racy index of the LSMDF.
Discard Sample Points
■ V Adopted Sample Points
Figure 5. Buffer zone for fitting.
The fitting condition we are looking for is that the model edge
exactly falls on the building boundary on the map. In Eq.(l),
The objective of the height fitting is the building’s roof in the
LiDAR data. As the distance from sample point to the edge is
the observation function in the plane fitting, the observation
function should be the distance from LiDAR point to the roof
plane in the height fitting. The roof plane equation is composed
of model parameters. However, the calculations of 3D fitting
would be much more complicated than 2D. And it will also in
crease the iteration number and the chance to divergence. Con
sidering the efficiency and the practicality, we adopt an easier
method for the height fitting in this paper. Since the plane pa
rameters have been fit optimally, LiDAR points within the
plane range are supposed to belong to the model. These points
are then projected to a local 2D coordinate system which is de
fined on the façade of the model. Fig. 6 illustrates the transfor
mation of a ridge-roof building. Thus the observation function
is simplified as the distance from 2D point to edge, similar to
the plan fitting.