1-1(15) 1-2(14)
lass window,
manually. The
ng the recog-
subspace is
before. To
mental LDA,
on this up-
andle a long
lass models.
detected and
one example
r ave the sys-
this exam-
ocedure and
The second
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chy consists
-1 and 1-2.
two classes,
be subspace
ire indented
sample pro-
ries can not
sked for the
mg new in
die learned
Figure 3: Initialisation: (a) Initial example, (b) Result of detecting new instances, (c) Prototypes. (14): Number of associated samples,
(d) Samples projected into the LDA subspace. Red: class 1 -1, green: class 1 -2, blue: background. Dashed lines: decision boundaries
according the class boundaries and the rejection area.