Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part Bib. Beijing 2008 
become more robust, which makes the boundaries with weak 
signals in image can be robustly detected. 
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm for 
boundary segments selection, it is compared with the result of 
line segments extraction. Figure 3(d) are the results of boundary 
segments selected from Figure 3 (c). Comparing Figure 3(c) and 
(d), the number of line segments reduces from 4141 to 779, 
3362 line segments (81%) have been removed by our selection 
algorithm. The final boundaries in Figure 3(d) are overlain with 
the original image, which shows that all important segments of 
building boundaries are kept; most of irrelative line segments 
(mainly line segments of the rooftops) have been removed. And 
the determined boundaries are detailed and have a highly 
geometric precision. 
To evaluate the quality of the boundaries quantitatively, the 
correctness of the boundaries are estimated. We check the 
distance and angle between a boundary segment and its 
corresponding segment in the original image. If the angle is 
smaller than 3 degrees and the distance is smaller than 5 pixels, 
then the boundary segment is considered as a true one; 
otherwise, it is considered as a wrong one. There are 779 
boundary segments in Figure 3(d), 709 true boundaries are 
found according to the evaluation criterion. To evaluate the 
quality of the boundaries quantitatively, the correctness of the 
boundaries are estimated. We check the distance and angle 
between a boundary segment and its corresponding segment in 
the original image. If the angle is smaller than 3 degrees and the 
distance is smaller than 5 pixels, then the boundary segment is 
considered as a true one; otherwise, it is considered as a wrong 
one. There are 779 boundary segments in Figure 3(d), 709 true 
boundaries are found according to the evaluation criterion. Only 
70 boundaries are determined wrongly by our approach. The 
correctness of the determined boundaries is 91%. By 
overlapping the final boundaries, the original image, and Lidar 
data, it can be found that almost all wrong boundaries are kept 
wrongly because of a local jump of density of Lidar data, and 
most of the wrong boundaries lie in the rooftop of building. 
To automatically obtain detailed building boundaries with 
precise geometric position, a new approach integrated very high 
resolution imagery and Lidar data is proposed in this study. The 
approach consists of a sequence of four steps: pre-processing, 
building image generation, line segments extraction, and 
boundary segments selection. Firstly, the segmented building 
points need to be determined from raw Lidar data. Then, a 
building image is generated by processing an original image 
using a bounding rectangle and a buffering zone, which are 
derived from the segmented building points. Based on the 
building image and rough principal orientations constraints, an 
algorithm is proposed for estimating the principal orientations 
of a building, which ensures the accuracy and robustness of the 
subsequent line segments extraction. Finally, an algorithm 
based on Lidar point density analysis and Kmeans clustering is 
proposed to identify accurate boundary segments from the 
extracted line segments dynamically. All these strategies ensure 
a high correctness (91%) of the determined boundaries. And the 
boundaries are detailed and have a highly geometric precision. 
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This work was supported by 973 Project (Grant No. 
2006CB701300) and the China / Ireland science and technology 
collaboration research fund (ICT, 2006-2007). 

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