Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

Figure 12. Example of suspected building regions 
Figure 13. Example of filtered line segments 
The result of unnecessary line segments removing is shown in 
Figure 13. Remaining line segments are about 405. Now, 
perceptual filtering and grouping process is employed to obtain 
line segments which can be part of any U-structure group. The 
close parallel line segments which are inside their folding space 
of each other will be grouped into one representation line. The 
line segments which are part of a collection of line segments 
forming U-structure will be used to generate hypotheses in the 
next step. Figure 14 shows the line segments forming U- 
structures in a collection of line segments. The colors indicate 
which U-structure group that the line segment belongs to. 
Figure 15. Example of comer detection 
The comers are calculated form the intersection of the line 
segments which satisfy two conditions: their angle is from 85° 
to 95° and one of them has nearest distance to another one. 
Figure 15 shows extracted comers from the line segments 
Using the obtained comers and line segments from the previous 
steps, we can build the collated features. In order to have a link 
between each other, two comers must satisfy the connecting 
relation of comer type and the required condition of their 
distance. Another important rule that help to define the comer 
connectivity is on each line segment of a comer, there is only 
one comer has connection with it. Figure 16 shows the collated 
features obtained from the line segments collection. 
The collated features are used to construct graph by placing a 
comer as a nodes and line segment two comers as edge between 
two nodes if there is the relation between the corresponding 
comers in the collated features. Closed cycles in the graph 
represent the possible rooftops. Hypothesis selection becomes 
the searching of close cycles in the graph. Figure 17 shows the 
close cycles selected from the line segments collection. 
Figure 14. Example of U-structures 

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