Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

a) Image with gauss noise 
b) MRED algorithm 
c) Sobel algorithm 
d) Pal.King algorithm e) FGED algorithm f) WFCE algorithm 
Figure4 Contrastive test of five algorithms in 10% gauss noise 
i appears over 
iject is cannot 
rED algorithm is 
affected by noise 
gauss noise, the 
tuns in different 
Compare the detect result, we find that the MRFD algorithm 
have an obviously relatively superiority of antinoise capability 
in edge detection of multispectral image. 
An edge detection algorithm for multispectral RS image 
(MRED) is proposed based on the detailed analysis of the 
characters of multispectral image. Through the multi 
dimensional cloud-space mapping model the objects in image 
can be mapped to the cloud-space, the fuzzy feature matrix that 
covered by multi-dimensional edge cloud is extracted by 
Boolean calculation between intersectant clouds. Calculating 
image fuzzy division entropy by fuzzy feature matrix of each 
sub-cloud space, bring stochastic influence of image into 
solution of entropy and use fuzzy division entropy repeatedly to 
find the best result in membership. The edge map with 
preferable precision can be obtain by integrate the detect result 
of every sub-cloud space. MRED algorithm considering fuzzy 
features of remote sensing image and discussing the connatural 
stochastic of image at the same time, the contrastive test is 
proved that this algorithm is more effective than contrastive 
algorithm on detection quality and antinoise. 
The work is supported by Chongqing Nature Science Fund 
(CSTC 2007BB2392). 
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