Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3h. Beijing 2008 
change. A watershed pre-segmentation is taken to accelerate the 
algorithm. We can adapt the weight to get better segmentation 
results according to the segmented image property. 
N. Paragios and R. Deriche: Geodesic active regions for motion 
estimation and tracking. In ICCV, pp 688-694, Corfu, Greece, 
T. F. Chan and L. A. Vese, Active contours without edges, 
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, February 2001, 266- 
N. Paragios and R. Deriche, Geodesic active regions: a new 
framework to deal with frame partition problems in computer 
vision, Journal of Visual Communication and Image 
Representation, March 2002, 249-68. 
Chakraborty, Staib L H, Duncan J S. Deformable boundary 
Finding in medical images by integrating gradient and region 
information[J]. IEEE Trans on Med. Imaging, 1996; 15(6):859- 
B. Sumengen, B. S. Manjunath, Graph Partitioning Active 
Contours (GPAC) for Image Segmentation. IEEE Transactions 
on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume 28, 4, 
April 2006, 509-516. 
J. Shi and J. Malik, Normalized cuts and image segmentation, 
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine 
Intelligence, August 2000, 888-905. 
Y. Boykov, O. Veksler, and R. Zabih, Fast approximate energy 
minimization via graph cuts, IEEE Transactions on Pattern 
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Nov2001, 1222-1239. 
Thanks are due for the supports from: 
Open research subject of Key Laboratory of Geo-informatics 
of State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (Project No.: 
China International Science and Technology Cooperation 
Project: High-Resolution Stereo Mapping Satellite: Field 
Geometric Calibration and Application (Project No.: 
China National 863 project: Intensive Image Matching and 
continuous digital surface reconstruction method based on high 
overlap aerial images (Grant No: 2006AA12Z134). 
Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National 
Defense Project: Key Techniques of Data Processing for 
Mapping Satellite. 
Natural Science Fund of P. R. China (No 40601084 and No. 
Open Research Fund Program of State Key Laboratory of 
Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics (No. SOED0602). 
Open Research Fund Program of the Geometries and 
Applications Laboratory, Liaoning Technical University.

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