Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
curve reflecting the relationship among the dimension, the 
radius and the probability. 
2.2 High dimension data retrieval in similarity search 
Spatial data similarity search is to search the data points that are 
within the specific range of the given search point, or the K 
points that are nearest neighbours to the given search point. The 
two kinds of search refer to range search and K nearest 
neighbour search respectively. For the fact that many users 
don't concern about the distance threshold, similarity search 
often means K nearest neighbour search. In fact, K nearest 
neighbour search can be implemented by adjusting the 
threshold of range search. 
From the analysis above, we can see that with the increase of 
dimension, the distribution of high dimension spatial data 
becomes very sparse, and inclines to locate in the interior 
surface of the hypersphere. The characteristics have a sound 
impact on the retrieval of high dimensional data in spatial data 
similarity search. (1) The sparse distribution means the poor 
property of clustering, which leads to the fact that traditional 
partition-based indices cannot reflect the data distribution in 
high dimension space well, so that the performance of partition- 
based indices decreases rapidly as the dimension grows. (2) The 
data distribution in high dimension space inclines to locate the 
interior surface of the hypersphere, ant that the ratio of the 
maximum and the minimum pairwise distances of a set of 
random points decreases and becomes close to 1 as the 
dimension increases ( Jinhua Li, 2001), so similarity search or 
nearest neighbour search becomes more difficult in the case of 
high dimension. 
In view of these, high dimensional data retrieval in spatial data 
similarity search is more difficult than the retrieval of 
traditional data. Consequently, there isn’t high dimension index 
structure suitable for all applications of spatial data similarity 
search. So aiming to different applications, this paper has 
classified the high dimensional indices into three categories: 
partition-based indices, approximation based indices and 
distance-based indices. 3 
Partition based indices are usually tree-structure indices formed 
by partitioning vector space recursively, and data nodes are 
organized in a hierarchically structured directory. In general, 
the index structures can be classified into two categories: data- 
partitioning based indices and space-partitioning based indices 
(Beomseok, Nam, 2004; Gang Qian, 2006), which are also 
called other names, such as data dependent indices and data in 
dependent indices (Xiaodong Fu, 1997), data organizing indices 
and space organizing indices (Christian Bohm, 2001) and so on. 
3.1 Data-partitioning based indices 
Data-partitioning based indices partition data space according 
to the distribution of the data, including R-tree, R+-tree, R*-tree, 
SS-tree and X-tree, etc.. An R-tree is a height-balanced tree 
similar to a B-tree, and is built by Minimum Boundary 
Rectangle (MBR). In that the MBRs can be overlapped, the 
number of paths to be travelled is more than one. So the 
efficiency decreases when serious overlap appears, and efficient 
R-tree searching demands that both overlap and coverage 
should be minimized; R+-tree restricts the overlap of the MBRs 
to improve search performance, but the cost of building the tree 
unavoidably increases; R*-tree uses the forced reinsert 
technology to improve the performance, however the cost of 
building the tree is.more expensive compared with R-tree; SS- 
tree divides the space by enclosing hypersphere, and improves 
the spanouts of the nodes to enhance the performance. The 
weak point is that the volume of the hypersphere is usually 
larger than the hypercube, so that the overlap is more serious; 
X-tree introduces the hyper-node, and decreases the number of 
node splits to improve the performance. 
3.2 Space-partitioning based indices 
Space-partitioning based indices partition the space in a specific 
algorithm, including kdb-tree(Bemhard Seeger,1990), hB-tree 
and so on. The kdb-tree is a dynamic index structure combining 
the kd-tree and the b-tree, and has a good performance for 
indexing the high dimensional point data; The hB-tree is an 
index structure based on the kdb-tree, and the node uses the k- 
dimension tree. The common characters of partition based index 
structures are as follows: (1) it is necessary to partition the data 
space whether the data distribution is depended on or not; (2) 
usually the index is a tree structure because of the recursive 
partition to the data space. The difference between the two 
kinds of partition based index structures is that (1) data partition 
based indices are usually formed from bottom to top; (2) space 
partition based indices structures are usually formed from top to 
Partition based index structures locate quickly the specific data 
according to the coordinates, and they are efficient when the 
dimension is not high. However, when the dimension becomes 
high, the performance decreases sharply. That can be shown 
with following example of R-tree. As we know, R-tree performs 
well when indexing two dimension data. But as the dimension 
increases, on the one hand, the overlap of the MBRs of the 
directory becomes more and more serious; on the other hand, 
the radius of the nearest neighbour search becomes larger and 
larger. From the characteristics of the high dimension data, we 
can see the ratio of the maximum distance and the minimum 
distance between the any points pare decreases as the 
dimension increases, and becomes close to 1 when the 
dimension is large enough. As a result, when the dimension 
becomes enough large, the overlap between the MBRs becomes 
sharply serious, and so the radius of hyper-sphere with the 
search point as the center almost intersects with all the MBRs. 
All nodes have to be searched and the performance deteriorated 
rapidly, and is worse than the sequence scan. The phenomenon 
is called ‘'dimension crisis”. The main causation is that the 
partition to data space can not reflect the rule of the data 
distribution in space when the dimension becomes very large. 
However when the dimension is not very large, the kind of 
index structures performs well, such as R-tree performs well 
when the dimension is 3, and the X-tree performs well even 
when the dimension reaches 8. So, the kind of indices is 
suitable for the application of similarity search when the 
dimension is not high, usually from several to about 10. In fact, 
the kind of indices plays a very import role on spatial data 
similarity search. 
From above analysis, we can see that when the dimension is 
very high, all the nodes in the kind of index structures will be 
travelled, and the performance is unavoidably poorer than the 

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