Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
3.1 Core Cadastral Domain Model (CCDM) 
Core Cadastral Domain Model (CCDM), (van Oosterom et. al 
2006) has been introduced as a model for land registration 
purposes. The development of this model is designed as a base 
for various land registration practice in different countries. Two 
important goals of this model as listed in (van Oosterom et. al 
2006) are; (1) avoid reinventing and re-implementing the same 
functionality over and over again, but provide a extensible basis 
for efficient and effective cadastral system development based 
on a model driven architecture (MDA), and (2) enable involved 
parties, both within one country and between different countries, 
to communicate based on the shared ontology implied by the 
model. The UML class diagram of the CCDM is shown in 
Figure 3. 
3.1.1 Malaysian Cadastre Data Model 
CCDM is designed as the base for various land registration 
system. Therefore, it can also used to describe Malaysia 
cadastre data model. The definition of these three core classes 
can be derived from (Chong 2006). Table 1 shows the 
component of CCDM that follows with the Malaysia Cadastre 
System. These categories are base from the CCDM classes and 
reflected in the National Land Code 1965 and Strata Title Act 
Persons (NLC: 
Natural persons (excluding minors less 
than 18 years old) 
Corporations, sovereigns, governments 
or organisations 
Persons authorised to hold land under the 
Diplomatic and Consular Privileges 
Ordinance 1957 
Bodies expressly empowered to hold 
land (e.g. Trade union Ordinance 1957) 
Lot (land parcel) (NLC: s.516) 
Parcel (building parcel) (STA: s.4) 
Stratum (underground volume) (NLC: 
Restriction and 
Rights (e.g. extent of general disposal 
under NLC: s.44 
Responsibilities (duty rent - e.g. survey 
fees, premium, annual quit rent etc.) 
Restrictions (e.g. category of land, 
express and implied condition etc.) 
Table 1: Component of CCDM base on Malaysian Cadastre 
3.2 Hybrid Cadastre Registration Model 
Hybrid cadastre proposed by Stoter, 2004 is a good start 
towards implementation of 3D cadastre in Malaysia. The 
concept of hybrid cadastre is to preserve the current 2D 
registration and add the 3D component in the registration 
system. There are two approaches to register 3D object namely 
registration of right-volume and registration of 3D physical 
object. The 3D representation of each approach is embedded in 
the CCDM base model. 
An integrated 3D Cadastre Model looks on how to add 3D 
component in the current cadastre data model and make 
information is interoperable between the two involved 
organizations. 3D cadastre object e.g. apartment buildings is a 
real property that being built on the 2D land parcel, which is the 
responsibility of DSMM. Adapting CCDM, the 3D spatial 
database being design to make it interoperable with the current 
land registration database developed by the LO, which is CLRS. 
4.1 Integration of the cadastral databases (CLRS with 
DCDB and CLRS could be integrated electronically. 
Furthermore the integration of the spatial database of DCDB 
with the textual database of CLRS is the prerequisite 
requirement for the formation of a comprehensive land 
information system. There is currently a research to investigate 
how best these two standalone databases can be possibly 
integrated. Genggatharan (2005) proposed a mechanism to 
integrate these two databases. Nevertheless, there are many 
hurdles to cross at current stage of practice. Genggatharan 
(2005) underlines the following issues associated with the 
proposed integration: 
• Organizational - there is no mechanism for exchanging 
data among organization 
• Technological - compatibility of existing hardware and 
• Data - data quality and integrity 
• Legal - data custodian and rights 
• Different working procedures and practice 
Adaptation of CCDM into integrated 3D cadastre model for 
Malaysia can be seen in Figure 4. In this model, both 
LandParcel and 3D Parcel are registered as an object in current 
registration system as shown in Figure 5. 
The LandParcel is represented as a 2D geometry. This object is 
inherited from the current 2D registration system. Figure 6 
shows the data model of land parcel as a registered object. 
LandParcel i.e. cadastral lot consists of boundary lines and 
boundary marks. The 3DParcel is considered as 3D physical 
object based on the hybrid solution by (Stoter, 2004). 3DParcel 
is formed with 2D geometry and 3D information. The 3DParcel 
is projected with the 3D bounded space with list of coordinate 
that form flat faces and later form a 3D object which so called 
3D cadastre object. The data model of 3DParcel is illustrated in 
figure 7.

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