Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

C. Curdt 3 ’*, D. Hoffmeister a , G. Waldhoff a , G. Bareth 3 
a Dept. of Geography (GIS & RS), University of Cologne, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Cologne, Germany - 
(c.curdt, dirk.hoffmeister, guido.waldhoff, g.bareth)@uni-koeln.de 
Working Group IV/1 
KEY WORDS: Spatial Data Infrastructure, Data Management, Computer Vision, Interoperability, Environmental Monitoring, 
Spatial Database, Internet GIS, Metadata 
Data storage and data exchange is a key issue of interdisciplinary research projects which focus on environmental field studies and 
regional modelling. The overall success of such projects depends on the well organized data management and data exchange 
between all involved sub-projects. This includes the organization of data, the implementation of a database for and the maintenance 
of such a system for intensive data exchange between the project sections. The project database ensures the sustainable use of 
collected measurement data and research results of long-term research projects. Especially, projects which focus on spatial 
modelling of soil, vegetation and atmosphere interactions rely on data exchange of geo and attribute data. In this contribution, the 
design and set up of a spatial data infrastructure for a research project (TR32) that focuses on soil-vegetation-atmosphere modelling 
is presented. The introduced data management design enables web-based (i) up- and (ii) download of data, implementation of 
different (iii) user views, interactive input of (iv) metadata and the integration of a (v) WebGIS. 
Spatial data management including data storage and data 
exchange (between several project sections) is particular 
important for interdisciplinary research projects which focus on 
environmental field studies and regional modelling (Muckschel 
and Nieschulze 2004). Especially Transregional Collaborative 
Research Centers (TR) which focus on spatial data modelling 
need a well organized data management. They are characterized 
as research projects that are based at separate locations, operate 
for up to 12 years and combine cross-disciplinary research 
interests and material resources. Therefore, it is essential to 
store and backup the multiplicity of different interdisciplinary 
project data and the huge amount of data gathered during the 
project phases in a well organized structure (Muckschel et al. 
2007). These research'projects are funded by the German 
Research Foundation (DFG) and have the requirement to 
contain a project section (SP) that is responsible for data 
management. The TR has the duties and responsibilities in 
terms of ‘Good Scientific Practice’ to store, manage, maintain 
and backup the whole research data in a permanent, sustainable 
and stable system in cooperation with the local computing 
center. Project data has to be stored during the project activities 
and up to 10 years after the project is finished (DFG 1998). 
In this context, we introduce the data management approach of 
the inter- and multidisciplinary research project “Transregional 
Collaborative Research Centre 32: Pattern in Soil-Vegetation- 
Atmosphere Systems: Monitoring, Modelling, and Data 
Assimilation” (TR32) funded by the DFG 
(http://www.dfg.de/en/). The TR32 is a joint project between 
the Universities of Aachen, Bonn, Cologne, and the Research 
Centre Jiilich. Now the TR32 is situated in the second year of 
the first of the three phases, each running for four years. The 
research area of the TR32 is the watershed of the river Rur 
which is situated in Western Germany and partly in Belgium 
and the Netherlands. In the first phase, the field research is 
focused on three sub watersheds that represent three typical 
land use forms (forest, arable, and grass land). 
The TR32 works on exchange processes between the soil, 
vegetation, and the adjacent atmospheric boundary layer (SVA). 
The overall project is subdivided into four project areas 
(clusters). The clusters (A, B, C, and D) differ by the subsystem 
(SVA) on which they concentrate and also by the spatial scale 
range, they deal with (laboratory - region). The clusters are split 
up into project sections. Within the whole TR32, 13 SPs work 
on research. Furthermore, cluster overlapping cross-cutting- 
groups were set up to arrange the exchange of information 
between the clusters. 
The overall research goal is to yield improved numerical SVA- 
models for the prediction of water-, C0 2 - and energy-transfer 
by accounting for the patterns occurring at various scales. The 
hypothesis of the TR32 covers the explicit consideration of 
patterns and structures which lead to a common methodological 
framework. This will increase our understanding and our 
capability of describing and predicting the SVA system in a 
comprehensive manner. The research partners of the various 
participating affiliations are from the fields of soil and plant 
science, remote sensing, hydrology, meteorology, and 
mathematics. They will approach the SVA continuum under 
this new paradigm (TR32-Wiki 2007). 
Corresponding author.

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